food The Drunken Chef

Okay - A couple things I will do differently next time. (This was good - there WILL be a next time!) I got the smallest Pink Lady apples I could find, but they were still a bit too big for the cooking time. In other words, either get smaller apples or cook them a bit longer. For the syrup, it was still too thin, IMO. So I will either use a bit more sugar or boil it longer.

And credit where credit is due - I got the base recipe from the Bon Appetite magazine, and of course, made adjustments. Think I'll use douglah next time, instead of cayenne.

RM and geeme got my tummy growling, but I already had a LEFTOEVER turkey sandwich so something else coming up-
holy geez, what's goin on here?????

Damn everyone, every dish looked amazing, from turkey to beans to hummus!

I reckon the Soflo gang might need to do some drunken cheffery tomorrow before the Gators whoop the Seminoles

(and some even DRUNKER cheffery if they dont!)

Well done everyone.

RM, you da man! (but you already knew that!)
well I had great intentions of posting microwave nachos and BotaBox cab, but the camera is out in the salsa kitch, and I ain't goin' out in the cold again. So- no pics=never happened. Does that mean the calories I just ate won't show up on my thighs?
G, I call foul. That is entirely too fancy for DC. I hope you saved me one though.

Box wine and turkey sandwich for me.

Gee that looks good great droolworthy
G, I call foul. That is entirely too fancy for DC. I hope you saved me one though.
"Fancy"??? Between the bourbon-soaked pineapple chunks (which we ended up not roasting, to avoid alcohol burn-off) and the drinks of choice (wine for me, beer for everyone else), I don't think we could have accomplished "fancy" yesterday. :lol:

Gee that looks good great droolworthy
My beloved, and alma mater, Gators got SHITROCKED, and Sum decided to get SHITFACED.

How better than to smoke up a butt, drink a bunch of cheap beer, make up some slaw and homemade sauce, and serve it all on garlic bread????!!!!!

The BBQ sauce is homemade tomato sauce with some mustard, brown sugar, and a ton of Sum's Hab-Pow Jerk Rub.
The boston butt is rubbed with my own White Pow, a blend of secret ingredients that lead to BBQ awesomeness every time.
Eat my shlong, rub is white!!!!

Smoked the pig low and slow on Apple wood, it's the only way to go with pork.

Had to throw in a party pizza to stave off our munchies.

So, my football team lost BIG to an arch-rival. But....
I learned a new move (someone TOLD me about it, no firsthand experience).
It's called "Bagpiping".
It involves the armpit and lots of mutual love and understanding (and hopefully deodorant or other armpit-lube)
Look it up.
SoFlo Drunkey.






Hopefully more DC with the leftovers tomorrow...

I'm sorry - is there some food in that post??? I'm still stuck on "bagpiping"........ another item on the list of "things I didn't really want to know"!
Bagpiping? Eat my schlong? Wow, this post is so rich in material I don't know where to start! Sorry bout the Gators. They blow goats right now but will be back in the swing of things next year! The pork sammie looks amazing. Wish I were there to partake in its consumption and the inevitable Memphis nachos to follow!
So, the other night I was out on my back patio enjoying a brew, and the cool weather, when I breathed deep and accidentally knocked over a large empty terra cotta pot.

It sounded like broken glass was flying everywhere!

I live in a small, gated community where we can hear EVERYTHING... and my quick, albeit, tipsy thinking was to yell out, "Oh $#!t! Son of a b!+ch!... That was twenty bucks ya big dummy!" just so peeps wouldn't call the cops.

How ridiculous is that?

True Story.