food The Drunken Chef

In honor of Pauly's triumphant return to DC, I made some egg rolls for tonight.


won ton wrappers
green onion
bean sprouts
small shrimp
oyster sauce
my Asian Fire Dragon sauce







They are good this way, but I should have fried them instead.
Merry Jingle Balls, Pauly and the rest of the Circle-H gang!

Details of the Prime Rib over in the Red Meat thread, but here's a couple pics and then right into The Next Day---



My brother-in-law is deathly allergic to onions, and I couldn't find some commercially prepared sausage that was guaranteed onion-free, so I made some- (no cinnamon, though, and with garlic and marjoram)

Portions that were flattened in the fry-pan for sausage patties-

The bulk sausage frying down...SAVE THAT GREASE!

Spoon off the grease, add some butter (did I mention this is not an AHA-approved recipe? :lol:)


Don't need no stinkin' Pillsbury Mini biscuits!

And...once again, I didn't get a plate with a half a dozen people around really messes with my DC picture-taking mojo~~~

Best I can show-

but guess what...there's LEFTOVERS!!!!! :woohoo:
Sausage gravy and biscuits too! Oh my GOD. That's two of my most favoritestes things in the world right there.
prolly not....brb......gotta look at more pics....
well I knew it was worries about THAT! But I'm pretty sure it was vino, not vodsky.....

We had vodskies with bloody marys and mimosas and rum/oj earlier in the day. By evening it was beer and wine for most, and scotch for one soul who needed it.

Another pic of my glass that got geeme'd. (xoxo geeme!)

Werds SL.

Had to remind the moms on Christmas day that spiked eggnog for breakfast HAS to be consumed before the noon.

I ain't worried' bought you SL... we know you do it right.


Another pic of my glass that got geeme'd. (xoxo geeme!)


Wait... are you referring to blurry pictures or something half-drunk and topped with cling-wrap then put in the fridge???

Is "Geeme'd" going to be a thing? I can roll with that.
I didn't geeme it, my sister-in-law did...without even knowing about geeme-ing or anything! She just found the half glass of wine, covered it, stuck it in the refer, and gave it to me the next day when we went over for Christmas dinner.

I think she and geeme are distant relatives.......:cool:

Geeme: n, a female chilehead from the Cleveland, OH aread. also; v, as in, to Geeme - the act of covering up half of ones beverage in plastic cling wrap in order to preserve for later consumption.
Geeme: n, a female chilehead from the Houston, TX area, currently residing in the Cleveland, OH area. also; v, as in, to Geeme - the act of covering up half of ones beverage in plastic cling wrap in order to preserve for later consumption.

FIFY - Oh PLEASE don't say I'm FROM Cleveland! LOL
Ok, so here's one for y'all-

I had a glass of wine on Christmas eve, the sis-in-law covered the 1/2 glass and put it in the refer so when we went over for Christmas day dinner, there was the glass of wine. No Prob, refilled...good to go for the evening..,..

went home, went to bed....

today, back over to their house and what's waiting for me on the kitchen counter...covered with plastic wrap....a DOUBLE GEEMED glass of wine!