food The Drunken Chef

Oh I get it now, añejo, less aged? more aged? We don't drink Milagro all that often. I can tell you this much, IT WORKED! :drunk:
elJimador (Gold) is my go-to Tequila. Love Patron (Gold) and effen HATE José. :cheers:
Ok, so tonight all started with some Bells Porter, Bacon, Filets, Portobello Caps and Broccoli

Here's the story. I marinated the Portobello Caps in some fresh herbs and Olive Oil

and hand cut the filets from a tenderloin roast

yes that one is mine

While the Caps marinated I put some Olive Oil into a preheated pan

Then added the broccoli and sauted for a bit

cut up come Fire Roasted Peppers and Kalamata Olives

Next the Mushroom caps and the filets went onto the grill

After the filets cooked 5 minutes I fliped them and added the peppers and olives to the broccoli

Then after a bit added some lemon juice

and Feta Cheese

Of Course a baked potato was required and we have dinner at the Rocket house.

DC RocketMan Style

Oh snap! you're a pro. Everything on that plate is PERFECT. Merry Christmas to the Rocket Family! Now gimme some.
I can't believe I said snap.... I see steak and I guess I get all retro gangstah.
RM that is pure MONEY! mrs. blues is spoiled and will only eat a good burger or filet, no other cuts. Thank God you used feta and not blue cheese else she'd be leaving me for your house.
TWO SNAPS! * * to RM, that dinner ROCKS! Beautiful cooking and ingredient combinations. Even though I'm stuffed fromm dinner, I'm drooling over that plate.

one quick note on the photo, the broccoli was front-and-center.....the MEAT shoulda been front-n-center...1/3 rotation would have been ... (well, I'll keep it family-friendly...) REALLY good! Still a great picture, but I was just thinking of TD presentation. It all gets a PASS in DC though~~~
ME. I'm Drunker. than the 2 of your BAC's combined.
And TB, I'm pretty sure that's Bleu Cheese on the steak, I'm guessing because of the Blue color. The Feta's on the vegies.

i like it... :evil:

And all I gots Molé :mope:
We don't have a drool emoticon so I had to go elsewhere to find one. It's really big, but that's ok because it more accurately describes how much I'm drooling over that plate. My hat is off to you RM. :clap: :clap:
