food The Drunken Chef

Black Betty makes a mean slider TB!!!!

JT- THP's endorsement netted me 0 votes.
I bought and ate spam.
I used a bag of my homegrown frozen mango from the summer stash.
My pizza looked (and tasted) awesome.
I was endorsed by the boss.
...0 votes.

SL and TB nice beefage. I could tear into either one of them right now. Very hungry. SL is already wearing out that redneck wine glass! Oh and anyone calling out Tb for lack of beer, I can give him an endorsement. I have seen his garage.

That is true. It was Vegas. TB, gonna need a new pic of your empty beer case shrine. I still believe in you though bro. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.
That is true. It was Vegas. TB, gonna need a new pic of your empty beer case shrine. I still believe in you though bro. I am giving you the benefit of the doubt.

I hope this clears it up. I was hoping to make a pinata out of the empty cardboard cases and fill it with empty cans.

Current garage shots.






Over 8500 posts here and we have now sunk to taking pics of empties. That is HARDCORE dedication y'all!
Sorry Paul, but there are newbies here that still do not totally understand the awesomeness of TB and needed a reminder of JUST WHO IS THE TRUE DRUNKEN CHEF.
wat ,,i can save for 2 days also and post that pick.! do we really want to start showing pics of emptys,cause ill save al my bottles and cans,just clap your hands just clap your hands, !wheres it at ,i got 2 turntables and a microphone,wheres it at? wheres it at?
wat ,,i can save for 2 days also and post that pick.! do we really want to start showing pics of emptys,cause ill save al my bottles and cans,just clap your hands just clap your hands, !wheres it at ,i got 2 turntables and a microphone,wheres it at? wheres it at?

Sic, posting pics of empties is a last act of desperation and by corksniffing standards is deplorable at best. Open booze containers with food is best while a pic of a full liquor cabinet trumps all and covers a multitude of sins.
Sorry Sicman. This just goes back to a while ago when I visited my friend TB in Vegas and was totally awestruck by the mountain of empty cases in his garage.