food The Drunken Chef

Hey SL...where do shop at?! hahahaha Great minds think alike, eh?! My 2nd pick was a bottle of "Lucky Duck"! Do I feel lucky????

This is tonight's inspiration for some kitchen-time. I can't decide..White Chili (oops, I mean " has beans & I know the rules!), or meatballs.
I don't know why meatballs, it just came to me on the way home.....


chil-oup, or meatballs...chil-oup, or meatballs......
meatball chil-oup! Problem solved ;)

BetterHalf- good idea for the cheese steaks, wish I had some rolls, but there'll be another beef meal tomorrow.

geeme, it was rarer than the photo looks, not mooing, but nicely pink with the good sear on the outside. and I knew I'd get something about that wooden contraption. :lol: (ah well, can't please everyone~)
Ok so for those who saw my Paella entry in the throw down I present the original one that my mom makes. We came up for my nephew birthday and mom was in the kitchen doing it up. Didn't get any prep pics but here's the finished pan.


Close up


Cheers y'all
I had a serious jones for some sliders yesterday. Got some 80/20 and thin sliced onions going on in the CI. Started out as meatballs and once starting to sizzle, used the smash technique but not like the Steak N Shake version but rather more like In N Out. Doesn't get the char does like SNS but man cooking the sliders over the onions is just too awesome.


You had to be here to smell the aroma. Stank up the whole Blues Casa.


American cheese is almost mandatory on this style of burger but the slices are so big, its best to fold them up first.


Didn't go with a ton of heat on these. I wanted to savor the meat/cheese/onion combo. In an ideal world I'd also use Martin's Potato Rolls but we can't get 'em here in Texas. Next best 'thang is Pepperidge Farm Slider buns, toasted on the comal CI of course.


Dang I love a burger loooooooong time!
Hahahaha - TB called out on his own thread!

Sliders look GOOD, TB. IMO, heat is fun, but flavor is where it's at. No need to burn yo' bad self ALL the time.