food The Drunken Chef

5-O's bbq is the shiz. Looks great.

Damn SL, those some sloppy looking awesome enchiladas! The messier, the better! Nicely done!

Odin's Beard! That looks incredibly good

Here's a teaser for tonight:


Edited due to sorely inefficient HTLM skills while simultaneously supping
upon sufficient amounts of yummy yummy Jagermeister...
We had a trapeze, a boxing kangaroo, chocolate cake, a hooker in a coma, a St. Louis Rams fan, a hillbilly, tomatillos, a stanger crying in the fetal position, a chocolate fountain, an oompah loompah, celery, Rumplemintz, a UPS truck, table lamps, and a performance by Dido.

and that was before the after-party!
bear has been crumbled into a milk-crate by my front door for 2 weeks now. No lie.
I think he might be hibernating.
It's been a warm winter, which might explain the late start.

I'll bet his guayaberas smell real bad by now.
TB. Where da booze, food pictures of booze at?

No CI TD either? Are you ok?

Seguro que si I am all cool and gang. Been busy performing household services for mrs. blues at the new Blues Casa. As for DC, I am semi-retired until the weekend. I'll be here on the same bat channel, same bat time, come saturday when limes will be squeezed until the tequila flows down my leg.

I got some posty for you tonight. Lamb Stew and Ghetto Sangria

Thanx for reminding me Jay, I'm out of cheap wine. Torpedo Red anyone?
Seguro que si I am all cool and gang. Been busy performing household services for mrs. blues at the new Blues Casa. As for DC, I am semi-retired until the weekend. I'll be here on the same bat channel, same bat time, come saturday when limes will be squeezed until the tequila flows down my leg.

Thanx for reminding me Jay, I'm out of cheap wine. Torpedo Red anyone?

And thank you for reminding me that I have limes that I must use up. Gonna have to drink some tequila tonight I guess. Damn.
no pics,but my dinner was 4 chips with a quarter slice of cheese on them. I also added 1 drop of pure evil to each chip,,,,,damnit salsa lady i cried,im glad that is over with.
Leg of Lamb Stew with Ghetto Sangria.


I made a kind of sofrito and browned the lamb.



Browned the sofrito, then added burgandy wine and sherry, a can of tomato sauce, tomato paste, beef broth, a splash of worchestershire, basil, oregano, thyme, bay leaves. Into the oven for two and a half hours.


I just added some baby bella mushrooms, carrots, celery, and red potatoes and put it all back into the oven.


Oh yeah, and the Ghetto Sangria...


I'm sexy and I know it!