food The Drunken Chef

your bbq speaks for itself. Share pics when it's done. You making slaw?

We threw down that keg of PBR, that's for sure.
Quiet sunday turned into cooking a dozen pizzas and beers, then decided to try something else new in the WFO. Pork Belly

Pork Belly, potato, garlic, onions, didnt get a pic of the habanero death rain powder

Ready to go in for a little while

Came out pretty good

Platin up
Whew...what happened? I blacked out for about 10 hours.

Smoked that butt til around 1:30am, then wrapped it in aluminum foil and tossed in a 225 degree oven. I just took it out, and it's going to rest for about 20 mins. Pics to follow...

And lookie there...bone came out clean as a whistle.


Looks delicious! I can't wait to toss this on a bun with coleslaw and slathered in my homemade bbq sauce...

5-0 and Booma. Sportin da pork!
I want that. This hangover I could live without tho, time for Bloody Marias I guess. Ouch.

And I have no doubt that keg was actually FLOATING, HAHAHHAAHAHAHHAHAHA
Woke up this morning with a great inspiration to make pork enchiladas in CI! It just came to out of the blue. :halo: I wouldn't dream of copying someone else's food. :lol:




some fresh pico with bell peppers-

pork just out of the oven. Had to come up with a sauce, so might as well use what's in the pan.





Even had some left for the LunchBox!
Good Lord, SL. You need your own thread. That is too f-ing good for Drunken Chef.

My BBQ was a hit with all my buds. I am lucky to be able to supply them with good eats.

Happy Super Bowl Sunday to all!
SL! You, my dear, are awesome.

5-O, you are awesome, too. No doubt you knocked it out the park. [I want dirty details on the rest of that shin-dig.]

I'ma go fall asleep with my shoes on. Paint a mustache on me.
Sumbits, it was a Super Bowl throwdown for the ages. We had a trapeze, a boxing kangaroo, chocolate cake, a hooker in a coma, a St. Louis Rams fan, a hillbilly, tomatillos, a stanger crying in the fetal position, a chocolate fountain, an oompah loompah, celery, Rumplemintz, a UPS truck, table lamps, and a performance by Dido.

True story.