food The Drunken Chef

the crab cake and tuna look wonderfull jayt. What the hell is this a.j. quit drinking? first tb,now aj? mhhm,maybe ill be next/
Thanks for the links Mojo. Now I'm learnd. Curry has always been an Indian dish to me, and has always been thicker. Now I understand what you were doing (and you did it well), and am now tempted to do some of my own.
OkeeDokee DCers....about to get my cook on! Finally got the kitchen clean ( and that took a few sakes), got some chicken thawed, and a wicked good bottle o' Justaguy's Fatal Lime.....time to savor the bliss and start creating off the cuff. No grocery store runs tonight, just a "make it happen" vibe goin' on....and a little bit o' the funk to keep me poppin'....

...WISH ME LUCK!!!!!! :party:
aaaaah yes chidren's. Got down brown in The Blues Kitchen last night. Normally I would post this in the popper thread but with the tequilio flowin' the resulting WIN some how got PMD'd.

As y'all know I don't eat meat very often these days but the other day I cooked up some taco meat for mrs. blues and had some leftovers. My dear sweet wife is just missing the DNA "leftover gene" and she just won't eat anything leftover. Me, I despise wasting anything so took it upon myself to dispose of the taco meat properly.

Taco meat: Onion, garlic, 85/15 ground chuck, mystery may-hee-coh chile powder, diced jalapeno

To which I added minced green oh's, shredded cheddar and Cacique sour creme. The sour creme was to bind it all together rather than for flavor. So much of the bagged pre shredded cheese from the stores has that dried up ground urinal cake crap in it to absorb moisture so the shredded cheddar needs something with some moisture to grab onto when mixing.

Every 'thang appears normal here....


Truth be told I had one of the first army dillah shaped chile grills years ago but rarely used it and finally gave it away to someone here on the forum. Had been thinking about trying another and mrs. blues found the current one at Bed, Bath, & Beyond for cheapness. Crazy.

Did the compulsory TSA cavity search on the 'peno's and crammed the taco meat and cheese suppository all up in there...


Into the oven @350 for? I dunno'. Some dang fool forgot to check the time. Couldn't have been the tequila no? I personally believe that at some point PMD snuck into The Blues Kitchen and took over the oven duties as this is what emerged from the oven....


See what I did here gang?


Clearly a case of overserved popper abuse. I fully expect the Popper Overlords to subpoena me for the inquisition.

I coulda' swore I took plate up pictures with a rameken of blue cheese dressing sitting with the poppers on one of my foo foo plates. None exist on the camera card. Had a 25' Stanley tape measure sitting on the kitchen counter this morning so can only assume I used that to take the final pics.

But how did they taste you ask? Aside from the poppers looking like they went 12 rounds with 3 hobo's, a crack ho' and a crack ho' assistant.....fine....I think. At least judging by the lingering aftertaste of the entire red chinese army marching through my mouth barefoot I woke up with this morning.

True story.

I coulda' swore I took plate up pictures with a rameken of blue cheese dressing sitting with the poppers on one of my foo foo plates. None exist on the camera card. Had a 25' Stanley tape measure sitting on the kitchen counter this morning so can only assume I used that to take the final pics.

But how did they taste you ask? Aside from the poppers looking like they went 12 rounds with 3 hobo's, a crack ho' and a crack ho' assistant.....fine....I think. At least judging by the lingering aftertaste of the entire red chinese army marching through my mouth barefoot I woke up with this morning.

True story.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
First off, TB, you rock.

Second, i rarely see poppers that are cooked enough. I do it too, (don't cook them enough).
Those poppers look perfect.

And C. When you don't remember getting the measuring tape, and didn't actually take pictures with it, that can only mean one thing...
A good time was had by all.
Hey TB - at least you FINISHED your dish!!!!

I got a classic case of supperus interuptus (happens when you have the attention span of a 2-yr-old!!!)!!! I roasted and toasted veggies, had a total "wingin' it" vibe going on, made some rockin' rice.....then jumped the track! The music was thumpin', the wine was flowin', and I ended up having an American Bandstand moment! hahahaha

HOWEVER - there's just enough 'quila left for a round two tonight! If and when I ever finish this escapade, I shall post proper pics. But at this rate - Scovie might not get fed until Wednesday!!! :)
Much obliged CJ. I was most definitely doing the pachuco hop with Innagaddadavida blasting in my nano. That robot from "The Day Earth Stood Still" (50's original version) was pouring the shots all night long.

Klaatu barada nikto.
Wings and games night. Made 3 hot and 2 not. The 3 hits were made with The Captains Sauce, Haba-Peno and That Green Stuff + The + was adding half teaspoon of Trinidad Scorpion powder.


More pics

Non heat

All wings

Hananaro mustard tater salad

My plate


Close up

The Captains wings with a shot
RM!!!!!!!! Those pics made my mouth water, and cry in my drink because I miss Summer so much!!!!!! That there's 5 plates of PURE HEAVEN!!!!!!! ....can I have your tater salad recipe??????!!!!!!!.....too yuuuuummmmm!!!!!! You get MY vote tonight!!!!!!! :)
Oh, good Gawd. I now know what heaven looks like. I've seen it. It's documented here.
Maybe instead of going to Sarasota, we'll all go to Orlando. JK, hahahahahahah
Chicken wings are the ultimate comfort food, with that Tater salad, you could prolly achieve world peace.
Thank you RM.....