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food The Drunken Chef

The best thing about Farmer Brothers Black Pepper is that it's Consistently Good.

(It says so right on the label).

Can't argue with that, G.
definitely have to give Naga powder a try! Dinner was good....habs a bit too citrusy (is that even a word?) but I needed them.
Awesome Chewi. In recognition of your achievment I present to you this badge representing your awesomeness and my highest rating...

McFistyballs! Wear it with honor!

OK Scovie this is for you, but don’t expect me to live up to those poppers.

So I couldn’t sleep last night, so got up around 3ish and continued drinking, what else you gonna do at 3AM? Anyhow around 6:00 I was getting hunger, and need to start sobering up for the day. I decided to make a breakfast burrito with Jalopeno, manzanos, Bhut, Fatalii, red chile sauce, bacon, onion, potato, tomato, cheese, and egg. Without further ado here’s the 5 chile BB porn enjoy!






well I started the geeme nightmare yesterday, but id din't all happen yesterdaay...

Tonight we had---\

Hiomnemade pasta stuffed with lacally made chicken and parm sausage, smothered with a rich cream sauce. (are you channeling Robert or Gordon with their British accents? Oh it SOUNDS so de-LICIOUS!

OK- play by play-

snausages from ur local butcher (THOMPSON'S Meats ROCKS!)

minced up some 'shrooms and onions...(SSSShhhhhhhh....don't tell the 'Kid!!!!)

all getting happy with the chicken sausage stuff...with BLACK PEPPER!!! ( run, geeme run....)


get it?????




heavy cream, butter, cream cheese, sour cream, chicken soup base, black pepper....


con alky-

Truth of the story???

The sauce saw DELISH! The sausage with the extra 'shrooms and onions were great. The pasta dough???? SUCKED!!!

WAY too thick, and just not the right consistency. It cooked up to the texture of ..... a really, really tough pancake. But the sauce and snausage???? Spot on!
Everybody got something on this but me, finally found time to cook so here you go.


Seasoned the pork then pan searedit, added the shallots and garlic and sauted for a bit. Added champagne and simmered for a bit. Removed the pork and added the apples, honey, butter, and yellow 7 powder. The cauliflower I simmered while I sauted some diced apples then mashed and added scoled cream salt pepper, added a bit more yelow 7 powder and ramono cheese. After plating I decided I wanted more heat and flavor so added LDHS Red sauce.






P.s. looks healthy, does it still count?
ab-so-freaking-lutley it's a WIN! and with cauli-mash? NICE~~~~

Has the TD started yet????

I'm so ready to just get the cooking over with!

edit- did anyone get the : doh : ?

OK Scovie this is for you,


WIN, and WIN! that is perfect 6 AM, all night not sleeping, drinking, need-to-sober-up fodder.
My life is better after seeing this.

SL?...... Messed up the pasta? WTF.??? Did you nija-steal my drunk? Of all things sacred!
Mario Batalli screws up pasta, but you? I just don't know what this world is coming to anymore.

I'm lovin califlower mash, 24/7 for my, nice pork Aaron! Is this your first DC post? YEEEEHAAWWW!
The cauliflower I simmered while I sauted some diced apples then mashed and added scoled cream salt pepper, added a bit more yelow 7 powder and ramono cheese. After plating I decided I wanted more heat and flavor so added LDHS Red sauce.

Very interested in the cauliflower mash I am. Just simmer till tender, mash with cream/salt/pepper/powder/ramano/splashosauce?
Rockin side dish!!

I vote for healthy, it has CAULIFLOWERS!!
It was pretty yummy.... was skeptical about cauliflower mash but once the yellow 7 powder was in there it was AWESOME!!!! I gotta have champagne so I was a happy girl... it was the cheap crap but I didn't care.

In the mash he used cheese from Ireland its sooo good.

Pork was nice and tender and still juicy.

Apples with every bite just tied everything together.
Holy Toledo! I step out for a few days and DC exploded!!!! So many fantabulous dishes and pics! Cha to every single one of you!!!!! Beautimous!!!!!

HH - your Cauli-mash reminded me that I'm about 2 weeks away from one of my fav holidays....and one of my fav dishes on that fav holiday is Colcannon. Would you mind if I gleaned some of your recipe for mine????? Champagne+Irish Cheese....= Colcannon from Heaven, I'm thinking!!!!! At that point the corned beef becomes the side dish!!!!! hahaha
Thank SL and SD! I was nervous to put such a healthy meal up on DC but figured we had champagne and beer to go with it should be cool.

Chewi, that's all there was to it really just caution over simmering the cauliflower. It could get destoryed really easily. Also make sure to let it drain for a bit before mashing, the excess water will hurt the dish. You can also simmerr them in a broth/brine.

CJ, be my guest. Use it for whatever you'd like. Its really easy and like I said for chewi, they are kinda tempermental when turning into a mash so watch them carefully. The recipe makes it pretty sweet without the pepper powder, so should be great with the corned beef as is.
A Potato and a Head of Cabbage walk into a bar....

Colcannon was born...

Who are you to say a potato and a cabbage head don't equal cauliflower mash?
Oh, what a night it was. RocketLady's parents were in town with the nephews and my son and his wife were over. So in TRUE DC fashion the Adult Beverages flowed and I just natrurally had to get my DC on. On the Menu was:

Champagne Chicken with Roasted Asparagus



Dredged chicken in flour salt and pepper and into the CI with butter and Olive Oil



When all the chicken is browned place into a Casarole and cover with Champagne and into a 350 degree oven

To the CI add 3/4 cup of Brandy and



When the flames have died down and the pan is deglazed add minced onion, sliced baby bella mushrooms, garlic and fresh thyme. When the onion is translucent add 1 cup of Champagne and 1 qt of heavy cream


This is how it should look when it's thickened and ready


The rice is Rice Select's Royal Blend which I swear by as the best there is

Boil Water, add Rice


Roasted Asparagus:
Trim the Asparagus and place into foil. Drizzle Olive Oil over it sprinkle with Kosher salt and place lemon slices. Seal foil and place on a cookie sheet and into a 350 oven for 30 minutes. Comes out perfect every time. No


OOOOOOooohhhhhhhhhh yeah Baby! Come to papa


Cheers Y'all
and don't miss the Biscuits and Gravy I made this morning after the fog horn in my head quit.