food The Drunken Chef

You're all, as of now, put on notice.
CJ made the dammdest Thai noodle Korean Asian Chinese salad ever.
I was going to bake the Salmon in the Smoker, and now we are going to combine the two.

No pics mañana. T O N I T E.

TB, in case I forgot to mention, Sockeye is $ 7.99/lb right now. :rofl:

back to my G&T and soaker smoker chips... Applewood.

Poo on your salmon Scovie.

I have 3 vac packs of teriyak smoked salmon in the fridge waiting to be slapped on a butter flour tortilla!

I ain't eaten no stankin' veggie salad crap tonight.

Bring on your shizzle!
yo grant since you hang out here the most. happy b-day you old bastard!

thanks man! just had my cake from a shot glass, true DC style ...

since we're DC posting the curry Danielle's making, I'll share last night's here real quick, too ... had a couple of SoCo and Pepsi w/ a quarter squeezed keylime throughout ...

the setup:


kicking it off:


add chopped hot chilis from the jar:


and the crappy final pic that discouraged me from sharing last night:

3rd form of alcohol ... and a hot madras curry (salad) in process ... pics later (maybe) ...

Good thing I am ahead at work, it's never pretty once the Jägermeister is involved ...

alrightalrightalrightALRIGHT! This is our last side of Sockeye, until tomorrow afternoon.
Smoked this sucker heavily with applewood at 200º for about 30 minutes. then put the flamage to it on the grill.
Cut a zuchini in half, the "dragonflied"it. marinadeded them in Balslamic vinegar and olive's oil's.
roasted the Jños, and well, you gret the ideer...
Only CJ knows whart the hail is in that Thaiwanese noodly sald, but let me tell ya. if SHE didn't make it, I'da left'er fer the womans that did. period.


Salmon butter... $ 5,000 /oz.







ohno! look what I did! ooops....

Here's the licker shot again.. G$Ts really get me goin! Like gravity, heh heh heh hehh
That right there is awesomenesses combined with something else that means awesome...which I can't think of 'cause I'mdrunkfed!

Looks better tossed together as a mixed salad :D

Scovie now THAT is Salmon done right and now if you'll excuse me I have to add Salmon to the shopping list.

AJ - Ya done hit me in my week spot. My Dad had a sweet tooth like nobodys business and passed it on to me. Is that a Bourbon Sauce in the pot next to it? Good stuff there, Maynerd

Grant - Happy belated Bday my FloPo Bro, I love curries but don't get to have them much unless we go to a Thai restaurant and then it becomes an internal fight over whether to have the Curry or the Pad Thai. Now, I must have missed it if you did but can you post exactly how to make a Chocolate Cake Shot? I think my Prettyer Half might like them.

Dang if there hasn't been some good looking DC posts lately!

We now return to your regularly scheduled DC bafoonery.
Dang You AJ...just Dang You!!!!!! You found my deeply buried weakness!

If only there was an emoticon for :diedandwenttoheaven:....!!!!!!!

Mind if I hit you up for that recipe?????????? :pray:

:lol: ...was a mix...and pretty simple too...I does not contain the topping but gives the recipe

Grant - Happy belated Bday my FloPo Bro, I love curries but don't get to have them much unless we go to a Thai restaurant and then it becomes an internal fight over whether to have the Curry or the Pad Thai. Now, I must have missed it if you did but can you post exactly how to make a Chocolate Cake Shot? I think my Prettyer Half might like them.

Thank You. The classic recipe is 50/50 vodka (from the freezer) followed by Frangelico (from the fridge) ...

We use 50-70% vodka depending on our mission =) ...

I was thinking when I woke up that it's probably not necessary to repost things I've made and posted before - like that curry - however, last night's was the best ever, so it can be considered the canonical DC post on ground beef curry from me ...

i love salmon,and that looks fine. grant im lovin the shirty with the un-known comic .

Danielle likes to borrow my t's ... this one's pretty harsh.


Thar's heaps of DC wowness goin's on here.

Grant. Scovie. AJ.

AJ, mrs. blues would hit that bread pudding like a pinata!

Scov, if I were there, that salmon would have never made it to the plate from the grill.
Thank's y'all. With these Salmon prices the way they are, i have been intending on propper smoked salmon.
Maybe this weekend. Last night was pretty much just "baking with smoke".
So, I've got a question for you TB, all I've ever smoked, were Humpies.
Well, they don't bother bringing those fat bastards to the market. Although a great smoking fish.
We have King's and Sockeye right now, (and Fat-fish, but I don't like that stuff).
Both are the same price. Question is, which one would you recommend for the smoker?

Maybe I should try both just for shitz and giggles.