Want some?.....
yo grant since you hang out here the most. happy b-day you old bastard!
Want some?.....
sure is good....I love bread pudding...
Mind if I hit you up for that recipe??????????![]()
Dang You AJ...just Dang You!!!!!! You found my deeply buried weakness!
If only there was an emoticon for :diedandwenttoheaven:....!!!!!!!
Mind if I hit you up for that recipe??????????![]()
Grant - Happy belated Bday my FloPo Bro, I love curries but don't get to have them much unless we go to a Thai restaurant and then it becomes an internal fight over whether to have the Curry or the Pad Thai. Now, I must have missed it if you did but can you post exactly how to make a Chocolate Cake Shot? I think my Prettyer Half might like them.
i love salmon,and that looks fine. grant im lovin the shirty with the un-known comic .