food The Drunken Chef

in-process, in pics ...







more to come (obviously) ...

PS - sic - yes, soon ...

holy shit i'm full ... another 11pm meal ... oops on that front ... at least it rocked pretty hard ... and crazy leftovers!

retaining the placenta and seeds from the super's definitely added to the heat ...








Forum software is bungling up my photos ... I'm too full to care ... g'night all ... I need to plop ...
I would bury my face into pic2 above like I hadn't seen food since 1998.
But I just ate dinner a few minutes ago.
Can't hold me back!
Looks great. Not gonna get into bean/no bean. That's gonna be delicious regardless!
Nice job!

FD and I have the bean/no bean debate often. I make my chili with beans. Light Kidney, black beans... maybe red beans. I also keep everything chunky... green bells, red bells, cubanelles, green olives, onions.... sometimes I'll throw some sweet corn in the mix.

Texan's might call what I make "bean stew". But I know FD's chili, and that's just some spicy Sloppy Joe without bread.

FD and I have the bean/no bean debate often. I make my chili with beans. Light Kidney, black beans... maybe red beans. I also keep everything chunky... green bells, red bells, cubanelles, green olives, onions.... sometimes I'll throw some sweet corn in the mix.

Texan's might call what I make "bean stew". But I know FD's chili, and that's just some spicy Sloppy Joe without bread.


: hocks up a big loogie and spits it on the ground :

Bean stew indeed.

Recently released CIA photographs of Osama Bin Laden's compound in Pakistan reveal that the former and now dead leader of Al Qaeda enjoyed Hormel Chili w/beans.

Numerous empty and unopened cans were strewn about the 3rd floor bedroom where the terrorist leader ultimately met his demise at the hands of Navy Seal Team 6.

Recent intelligence has also confirmed that other terrorist groups such as the Iranian backed Hezbollah, also indulge in eating chili w/beans with the belief that the practice thereof will somehow give them spiritual power over their infidel enemies.

Sum, as a friend, please.

Stop supporting terrorism!
that post will have to be human reviewed ... could you try to hit a few more DHS keywords for THP next time, sir ...

or, maybe i should describe the dirty bomb that resulted from that bowl of bean stew when i woke up ...

ps - i think it's hilarious to call a meal w/ 2 lb chuck, 1+ lb top sirloin, and the diff of the 3rd lb in chorizo "bean stew" ... considering there was a single can each of pintos and kidneys ... that makes me lol, thanks for that!

Kidney beans?

Bay leafs?

What's next, Zucinni? Edamame? If you want vegetables, make salad. Terrorists....

That said, I would eat the hell out of your stuff Grant, with chips.
Been to a couple places in Texas and I must say, each place claims they have the best chili, but seeing as my stomach and beans never agreed on much of anything, I was limited to the spots that had meat-based chili with no beans
Some of y'all already know how I feel about Austin.

I love it.

Because its weird.

And awesome.

Now I'm jonesing for a shrimp taco from Torchy's.
Some of y'all already know how I feel about Austin.

I love it.

Because its weird.

And awesome.

Now I'm jonesing for a shrimp taco from Torchy's.

They've got a killer tech scene and a climate I could endure (unlike San Fran, Boulder, Boston etc) ... The food and music seem pretty rockin' ...

I could see living there ... on that isolated bastion of progressive thought ...