food The Drunken Chef

Thank you all, TB I never thought of the tortilla but hey I bet it'd make a damn good, a bit different, Fajaita.

Funny thing is that everything but the taters came from a diet book.
Are there potato's in the paleo diet?

I thought is was all veg and meat only with no starchy stuff.

Or is it just no cultivated grains?

Caveman sheeit.

I have been tempted to try paleo but up tortilla's is harder than quitting cocaine.
Are there potato's in the paleo diet?

I thought is was all veg and meat only with no starchy stuff.

Or is it just no cultivated grains?

Caveman sheeit.

I have been tempted to try paleo but up tortilla's is harder than quitting cocaine.

probably not ... i don't paleo, but i do pay mind to carbs ... lots of interesting stuff over at chowstalker though ...
I think Paleo is mostly about avoiding grains. This came from the Sonoma diet. it's our favorite way to lose weight but requires alot of time as pretty much everything is prepared fresh and we just don't have to time for all the cooking, well except for the weekends.
Prost und Guten Apetit!

We relegated ourselves to the little grill. This is made from the drum of a clothes dryer
Fire gets started with normal wood then the coal is dumped on top

Cool grill, you can set the grill where you want based on what your are cooking and how the fire is looking.

This is brilliant I dont know why I havent thought of it. I use the same type of barrel for camping and I usually throw a grate on top but this takes it to a whole new level !! Im going to borrow this idea !
You have a name for yours?

Das Flamendryer?

Hmmm.... normally we'd call it der Kleingrill (small grill), but if you wanted to give it a proper German name I guess it would be "der Trocknertrommelgrill" --> three words trockner = dryer, trommel = drum, grill = grill. The thing does work really well, I must admit. The fire just rips from all the airflow so it starts quick, and the coal gets a super even burn. Just set the height for the grill and you are rockin'.

Tonight's going to be pretty boring for us, going to whip up some spaghetti bolognese. But I have had a few beers and now on to some German red wine... could get interesting, we'll see. I'll post some pics of the process. I'm out of peppers, so won't be any "hot" action aside from garlic and onion. Going shopping tomorrow, so I'll dream up some hot creations for the rest of the week.

I actually might make some bloody mary... I have a juicer and a bunch of tomatoes, pickle juice, tobasco, WCS, and some jarred hot pepperoncini... yeah I'm going to do that.

Pic of the wine and my partner in crime:

Okay... bloody mary action. The bolognese was nothing to write home about so I didn't take any pictures.

Stuff going in

Stuff getting juiced

Almost a full liter!

And the finished product, garnished with my two week old pepperoncini, onion, garlic mix... and a little cucumber. Super fresh and tasty. Cheers!
Well, this Drunken Chef was feeling snacky last night!
I found a recipe I'd been saving for 18 years, and finally gave it a go!
It's called "Seattle Slather".....
Chevre (I used a locally made one), sour cream, vodka, chives, gherkins, capers, lemon zest....
and Scovie's Smoked Salmon!




The whole batch lasted 20.7 seconds! :D
damn. I bet the goat cheese tastes great with the smoked salmon!!
Looks like a winner CJ.
Seems like scovie mastered that smoker! Wow!
Will that keep in the mail? Send me a cracker! (not racist)
Thanks FD! Scovie won't make more smoked salmon until I get rid of the last batch, so I'm trying to get creative! haha

I've been thinking on how to send you some. If I got it vacuum packed like TB suggested, maybe it would make it okay if I sent it in the cooler months? I should look into cold packing maybe.

I'm out of goat cheese, so I'm going to try the whole thing again with cream cheese. Maybe add some balsamic for tang?