Hey all!!
Brazilian sicman is back on action!!
fist i need to say THANKS alot for Scovie!! thanks bro!! ohh yeahh he send some amazing "scovie powder", the gift start with chicken sooo.. last make some chicken !
jamaican chicken!
thyme, garlic, onion, lemon juice, cider vinager, run, brown sugar, cinamon, ginger powder, sea salt, habaneros golden and allspice..
let marinad for 2 hours! and drink some more mojitos!
Ahhhhhhh! I'm glad you finally got it! You weren't joking about the Brazillian mail being slow.
I'm putting your Christmas present in the mail this afternoon so you get it in time! Hahahahahahahahah
Your marinade looks really rich and tasty. You can only get that color one of two ways,
Chicken blood or Scovie Powder.
I never trust anyone who starts out with "It's easy!"......
I think we have a humidity issue here (lack of it) that keeps me from being able to make dough with any consistency. That, and I can't seem to make the same recipe, exactly the same way, more than once!!! hahaha
still.....you know I won't be able to resist that link.......