The pizza looks good but I don't reckon Jay is trying to save pizza.
Looks more like he's SAVING HIPPY.
Looks more like he's SAVING HIPPY.
LUCKYDOG said:More trying to save the thread from going to rehab
PhatManDerek said:Damn bro, That looks mighty tasty,
Bwahahahaha!The Hot Pepper said:
Damn bro, That looks mighty tasty,
Scoville DeVille said:It happened...
I wish I was there...
You got this shit goin on.
I smoke Mediums (Sage), CJ Smokes Ultralights (Orange) and you smoke Lights (Yellows)
when can we party together? ever? some day?
Darthpepper said:Popcorn chix w/ booyah stinky bee