food The Drunken Chef

Is this a better camera than the TD?
Or just less drunkie? Hehe. Good color, composition, etc. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Is this a better camera than the TD?
Or just less drunkie? Hehe. Good color, composition, etc. 
No......and yes.
Or perhaps it is........
I just got a new phone. These are pictures from my phone. The T-down pics are from my 10MP camera.....
So sad... :P
I want to sicman this:

Very nice ,looks great.
paulky_2000 said:
Could have posted this in any of 4-5 threads......
I could have even started my own.
NAH!.......this is drunken Chef FODDER, BABY!!
The players:
3lbs of "Ends and Pieces" bacon. (I mean REALLY......who buys that flat and micro-managing crap that you place in the pan one slice at a time and baby till it's done? This stuff, you throw in the pan and stir till it's crispy)....shrimp, ***(Lobster soup I made 2 nights ago......), buns, parsley, habanero, "diablo sauce" from the throwdown,:








Pretty much what my T-down entry would have looked like before doing the "crabcake as bread" version! 
I just couldn't resist!
Bacon's fine but where's the stankin' booze???
It's there.
The Paul Abides....... :cool:
JayT said:
Hahaha Gadget so drunk he forgot to cook food.
It didn't get much play, but it was actually quite a tasty sandwich ...
I was quite drunk indeed, but only for a couple of hours - that said, like a boss, I managed to irk the shit of Danielle in only two hours time ...
I went back and kicked it up a notch in the Joy of Woking thread the following night, riffing on the hoisin smoked pork vibe, but adding significant heat and mushrooms and something i'm not able to recall at the moment ...
the key take-away there was that the a pair of topsides of fresh english muffins makes when toasted gently w/ a smear of duke's, are texturally similar to banh mi (the mayo bubbles like pizza cheese in the crypts and seems to either rehydrate the muffin, or coat it in such as way as to deceive your mouth's expectation somehow) ...
the sammie I made w/ the two bottoms was good in it's own right,  but would have been better if hot-pressed ... and the bottom of the bun has a bit of a char and texture from the little beads that isn't banh mi-esque at all ...
I'll be tinkering around w/ this some more, because english muffins are handy for the second half of the week after shopping, coming out of the fridge ...