food The Drunken Chef

sicman said:
First of all you are MacTacobum which "they" made a movie about. Called MacGruber.  Second of all please go watch that movie it was based on your life and is a comical master piece. Third of all if you wouldnt have never press released that naked pic of you I woud have never found it.  
   Long live MacTacobum.

Another pic I have of TacoBum.
That's a Norlin era Les Paul Custom and the TP-6 tail piece gives it away. 
Mid to late 70's most likely.
Maple neck and maybe a pancake body but can't tell for sure.
Slim 60's with possible volute on the back of the neck and what look like Gibson/Schaller tuner's.
Shitty Mother of Toilet Seat inlay's on the FB.
Speed knobs on the pots indicate possible non original as usually custom's come with witch hats.
Pup's look like non original and replaced with DiMarzio's, a common mod for the era.
Hard to tell from the B&W pic but it could be a shitty sprayed clown burst, common for the era.
Then again throw all that sheeit out the window.
Dude looks like Richie Sambora.
Dude got fired from by Bon Jovi.

Been staycationing of late ... accidentally drunkpft ... another online friend passed ... and my pizza experiment went to shit ...


I got a little distracted by a nap earlier, while the dough was chillaxin' on the cuntertop, and it was very warm for being next to the oven - and so it settled into the grooves of the peel and failed to launch ...


I folded for the calzone for the motherfucking win, but couldn't get any cooperation from the universe there, so I ended up double-wrapping it, but I did manage a little bit of shredded parm and balsamic in there for who the fuck knows why ...



I still had the good part ... and buf moz, brisket, pickled peno, and blues hog ftw!


oh schwell ... town hall deli sloppy joe's and pat la frieda sliders tomorrow ...


chocolate cake drinks all the live long #realtime

time for coffee. drunken coffee ...
Sorry to hear about your friend.

Yeah, thanks!

Not as close of a friend this time, and an accident, I think ...

Yeah, car accident in Mexico =(

Just ordering some amylase for slider bun mayhem this weekend ...

Considering doing a beer-cheese slider round, on the griddle, on the Weber ...

Pre-gaming doing the sliders in the kettlepizza and onions and smash-burger on the steel roof ...

Sounds recreational.

How do you get Pat Lafrieda meat in FL?
In NYC Pat supplies, Shake Shack et. al.
But you know that already.
Sorry too about your compadre.

Thanks, godspeed or whatever ... guy lived ... they had some times over there at Fetlife HQ, I'm sure ... well, I've heard ... they do.

goldbely ;)

can order slider size, 6 oz, or 8 oz ...

i went w/ 16x sliders!
grantmichaels said:
Yeah, thanks!

Not as close of a friend this time, and an accident, I think ...

Yeah, car accident in Mexico =(

Just ordering some amylase for slider bun mayhem this weekend ...

Considering doing a beer-cheese slider round, on the griddle, on the Weber ...

Pre-gaming doing the sliders in the kettlepizza and onions and smash-burger on the steel roof ...

Sounds recreational.

Thanks, godspeed or whatever ... guy lived ... they had some times over there at Fetlife HQ, I'm sure ... well, I've heard ... they do.

goldbely ;)

can order slider size, 6 oz, or 8 oz ...

i went w/ 16x sliders!
Posty up when you do 'em senor!
I went OG blend, but you can get brisket or short rib based patties too ...

As I've never done sliders, I might toss 'em into the TD just to play along ...

We'll see, I love TD weekend spectatorship - it's the one time when everyone else cooks ;)
Pat Lafrieda sliders would be killer.
And you certainly have the correct apparatus and meat to do it!
Martin's Potato Rolls would be an added bonus but any small white squishy buns can work.
THP would disagree on the Martin's as he has his go to buns but Martin's has a 
shit-ton(official SoFlo measurement) of fans on this site.
LOL yeah in pic below. Sliders are too close to burgers, imo, for the TD. You've made burgers before. Unless you still want to enter that's cool. I'd go all out though, and make the bread, and make sure to do the whole cook on top of onions, and place the top bun on the onions to get onion steam after flipping, spatula underneath and slide it onto the bottom bun... you know, as much new stuff you haven't done before you can do, to meet the challenge of the TD. However not sure it would win, seeing as it is a burger. ;)
I say do it for the fun factor, and a win would be a bonus.
I'm planning to have them on hand as backup, just in case! ...

I have a small block of your beloved Tillamook cheddar and some sodium citrate around, and some stella artois and blue moon left from company, I think, too ...

We'll see how motivated I am come weekend!

LOL yeah in pic below. Sliders are too close to burgers, imo, for the TD. You've made burgers before. Unless you still want to enter that's cool. I'd go all out though, and make the bread, and make sure to do the whole cook on top of onions, and place the top bun on the onions to get onion steam after flipping, spatula underneath and slide it onto the bottom bun... you know, as much new stuff you haven't done before you can do, to meet the challenge of the TD. However not sure it would win, seeing as it is a burger. ;)
I say do it for the fun factor, and a win would be a bonus.

I would not enter them "to win" ... I agree ...

Let's be honest ... I'll just enjoy everyone else TD'ing and posty up in my grilling thread ...

I quite enjoy the weekend everyone else is presenting, actually ...
I don't discourage anyone from entering but you know what I'm saying, supposed to be something you've never made before and it's a burger! Who knows if you knock it out of the park and do stuff you've never done, it could easily win! You're making them anyway so...
Been in hiding for a spell. Some people were looking for me. 
I had them "taken care of". 
Sum came over. 
We smoked butt all day. 
And drank a bunch of beers. 
And we invented a new  SoFlo ManGravy...yet to be named. 
(there is only one ManGravy....this one is a category of its own...stay tuned)
I highly recommend smoking a Boston Butt with nothing but a good helping of coarse salt for the rub. Hickory smoke. 
It's so simple and awesome!!!
Our new BBQ sauce has plenty of heat. Details to follow. 
Served with turnip greens, homemade tabasco vinegar. 
Good times. Got more Busch to drink! 


SoFlo Man Gravy v.2?
How in the hell do you improve on v.1?

Original SoFlo Man Gravy is like gravy cognac. 
I.E. some of the best sheet to ever touch your lips.
True story.
WHOA delicious looking pulled pork. Hey now, are you leaving larger pulls? Cuz that be lookin' just how I like. I remember when I commented once on your Cuban sandwich that you had shredded it more than my liking, you said you like it more shredded. Just curious cuz that looks perfect to me. Nice size shreds. Moist. Bark. Boom!