food The Drunken Chef

I used a slow cooker sauce today cuz I'm drunk and lazy. Moroccan chicken, couscous, overdone asparagus and my liquor. I don't care if it looks like shit or not. Sure tastes good.

Looks fine to me ...
I see the cous cous, but what seasoning are you doing there? ...
I've only made Moroccan a few times, in a tagine, and all times involved preserved lemons and green olives ...
mmmm, harissa ...
Well done Nate.
I'll take that cous cous olive and asparagus.
I'd be even tempted to try the chicken even though I don't eat it much these days.
Looks goodern' hell to me senor.
Sam Adams, always a good choice and will go perfectly with this or this will go perfectly with them :)

Taters take the longest so,

Red taters


Cut in forths


Put on a foil lined cookie sheet, drizzle with EVOO and massage them a bit to get them coated.


Sprinkle with dried Oregano, Rosemary, Thyme and a bit of Kosher salt


And for the chili head in Ya a bit of smoked Jalapeño powder.


Into a 400 dF oven.


Next up, Pork Chops


But them taters have to cook a bit first

Just a little salt and pepper on these baby's and onto the grill, yeah it's the indoor grill cause I don't feel like going out and getting all hot and sweaty standing by a grill with no gas

It is hot, man ... we just came back from the store ourselves!
PS - I love the red potatoes .., I think it's funny, I use "the other common herbs" in ours, dill and parsley ...