I had a chicken in the refer that needed to get cooked, so I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to practice for the massive mayhem coming with this weekend's throwdown. I've never cooked a large chunk of meat like a whole bird on the barbie, so I stuck the cast iron skillet on the grate, turned both sides to High and let 'er sit for a bit.
Seasoned the chicky with some of my southwest chipotle spice mix and when I opened the lid to throw the carcass in the pan, the temp was 550F!

Oh Well! into the pan it went, turned down the temps...and voila! Here's the results!
At one point, I opened the lid to check on things. The temp was 400F and grease was popping 2 feet high out of the skillet.
I gotta admit, I'm pretty pleased with the experiment! I wasn't sure about cooking in a skillet on the grill, but for what I have planned for the throwdown, it's critical to have the skillet.
And JayT and WW, looks like y'all had a great time!