Spent last night and today drinking and potting up plants with hubby. He went for the Bud, I went for the wine. Gallo was calling my name
Here was supper tonight... Pork chops w/ habanero jelly on the grill, peas, and dessert was Strawberry, red hab sauce. And again vino for me and Bud for the hub.
Prepared the sauce first - so that it had time to cook before dessert time. Cut up the berries, diced up the habs, poured some honey over it and added a little sugar.
Put the chops on the grill, and as they finished, added the hab jelly.
By the time the food was done I was out of wine

( I don't touch bud - yuck

Dessert time! The sauce was AWESOME!
Well thats my contribution for the night...I gotta go look thru the cupboards and find me some fixin's for some Scooby snacks.