food The Drunken Chef

Damn tb, you have me wanting to lick my monitor...

We cut up some chicken breasts into tenders and added some salt, black
pepper and habanero powder to them. A light coating of flour preceded
a dip into eggs with a good bit of habanero hot sauce mixed in. Then they
were coated in panko with lots of chipotle flakes before being baked in the

Whoooo boy these were quite tasty.

I picked the wax beans and green beans tonight.I used a glob of bacon fennel seasoned goodness. Added some of my'11 Kung Pao/Bhut powder.
Placed the ham Steak in after pulling the beans.
Added the last of my smoked red onion from Sunday.Splash of Red Wine and Bitters. The beans obsored sooo much bacon seasoning... this really rocked !!
Amazing. No lie. Perfect drunken cheffery!

I particularly like the switch from high life to Beast light.

Can't beat fresh veggies.

Reckon I could mouth fist one of those!
Tnx. Gang ! SL the bread twas Stale Saralee Honey Wheat.. the greasy beans needed the absorbency of stale bread lol... the Beast had taken a decade or so hiatus from my table.
Ok, I've had just enough to drink that I'm going to lean heavy on pictures and get to the recliners asap. We received our 1st supers today from baker's pepper, neither Danielle or I having had anything fresh above a habanero on the S-scale to date ...

We processed one for our curry:


And then decided we'd add another:


I chopped them up w/ a couple of cloves or garlic:


And Danielle chopped the cherry hot's, some grocery store green finger-like peppers, some onion, a couple heirloom tomatoes, some ginger, and some celery:


We preheated the sous vide:


And dropped in some chicken seasoned w/ tandoori spices:


And tonight, in lieu of DIY, we used a Tiger Tiger Butter Chicken curry stock to make:


Which due to having had some fabulous Chocolate Cake shots throughout the process:


Led to eating on paper plates on the desk - since the table is full of stuff related to planting tomorrow after work:


And that's my first Drunken Chef on the very night we had our first super's ...

What I would give for a Sous Vide machine. One of my chef buddies swears by that cooking method, and I am really interested in experimenting with it.

How much does one of those bad boys cost???
What I would give for a Sous Vide machine. One of my chef buddies swears by that cooking method, and I am really interested in experimenting with it.

How much does one of those bad boys cost???

I bought it when it was new, and I think it was like $400-450 at the time. That being said, I helped some friends wire up DIY versions which also work well using a thermometer gated switch and a slow-cooker ... see MAKE's:

or Popular Science's:

It's fabulous - the key to our "lower carb" lifestyle ...

Do you remember if it was it hot enough? ;)

It wasn't - probably because the seeds weren't included. Could have handled 4 for sure =)
Mrs. Jay T would throw her own mother on the ground to get to one of those Chocolate Cake shots were she not with child right now. So how was it? How was the flavor, heat, etc?
Newbie looks around and hides.
