food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

grantmichaels said:
I had InO and liked it, but it was so far apart from Five Guys that I can't REALLY compare ...
The first time we were in LA, my wife's cousin took us to  In & Out and I really didn't get what all the hoopla was about.  I prefer Five Guys to InO.  Last time we were in LA we went to Umami burger.  Kind of a #hipster place, but I would eat there anyday before InO.
grantmichaels said:
TB - familiar w/ Fuzzy's Tacos? ...
We're getting one of those, I guess - but more importantly ... we're getting a Smashburger ...
Fuzzy's does nothing for me.
You won't find Mexicans eating there.
Total gringo/gabacho taco joint.
Same could be said for Torchy's but the difference is this.
Fuzzy's blows next to Torchy's.
Torchy's rocks!
Haven't been to since the big dry ditch and then wasn't impressed.
I'd take INO or even Steak n' Shake over them.
Steak n' Shake also does smash technique.
Enough burger talk.
Posty up some tacos!!!!
Sounds like you need hot tub ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Sounds like TB has too many kids on his lawn to handle...
Lucky for me we've had so much rain I haven't been able to mow my lawn as of late.
The kids stay away.
Unlike the feral cat that puked up some foul crap mixed with grass on my driveway last night.
And I know which one it was too.
That feral fatass tabby bastard with the fucked up ear.
Be warned asshole.
missylou's got your number jack.
I hope you chillaxified TB ... otherwise I'm 'bout to get you all worked up before bed.
This is the non-eye section of a rib roast ...


It's got a basic beef roast seasoning ...


Sz'd tortillas ...


Pretty nice cook ...


the D3 ...


Dos tacos ...


Up close and personal ...


Better looking twin ...


Hoisted ...


Tasty leftovers ...


For a steak sammie on one of those French rolls ...

Smoke Canton FTW!
Have mercy like a mutha' fucker.
Senor that is one of the bestestest posts from you ever!
Killermanjaro awesome pics!
Head's up y'all.
Tacos are my GOD's food.
You just saw the pics!
Nothing wrong with that crunch on there at all! In fact I was craving some crunch in your first batch... and your leftovers may have even topped those with the melted vs. not cheese. 
I'll take a little of each and make my own... first taco with that meat and sauce, cheese and peppers from 2, lettuce from 3. :D