food The General Taco thread. All things taco.

Awesome chicken tacos!
And yes.
I am a sardine lover.
I also love anchovies and often eat them straight from the can.
I think of that salty briny taste and it reminds me of...well... you know.
Anchovies and sardines are the next best thang' I reckon.
Okay maybe actually #3.
#2 would be anchovies, and/or sardines PLUS a rubber glove and a bottle of Astroglide.
#1 bein' #1, well that will always be and is the undisputed champ of all time.
There are no other contenders.
What were we talking about?
date night ...

don't worry, says it's from GLEE so it must be OK ...
grantmichaels said:
date night ...

don't worry, says it's from GLEE so it must be OK ...
That's a sunday paper cartoon next to my life.
I talk dirty and make all the cool porn faces.
That guy looks like he's taking a dump.
Gal is thinkin'...
"get that stubbly ass little man chin off my shoulder!"
Then again its Hollywood sheeit.
Probably really thinkin'...
"Dude..your breath is killin' me."
texas blues said:
Apparently my sekshool deviance's are not enough to sassify your swirling cesspool of desires.
Sheep are an entirely higher level of malfuctive deviancy.
But you know this.
As I reckon you have lawyers n' sheeit you pay big $$$ to keep you out of the courts.
No, that's the Florida panhandle ... I'm in Southwest Florida =)
That was for D3, sorry.
grantmichaels said:
No, that's the Florida panhandle ... I'm in Southwest Florida =)
That was for D3, sorry.
Fiddy and Sum are in SoFlo.
So is Bear. That guy.
Long out of hibernashun' n'shit by now.
I've heard stories about Bear.
Rumors and legends mostly.
Dude has done 'thangs with mom's.
And faces.
Get it straight y a'll.
I'm not the bad guy here.
Just reportin' the truth n' sheeit.
In spite of the BP, DTS, that looks really awesome!
texas blues said:
Sheep are an entirely higher level of malfuctive deviancy.
But you know this.
Actually, in all my travels around these here united states, most people outside of Texas don't get the sheep joke. Maybe peeps in OK would, but I've never even driven through that state. Most peeps give a blank, somewhat quizzical look and say "I don't get it." Then I just say "nevermind" and move on….
geeme said:
In spite of the BP, DTS, that looks really awesome!
Actually, in all my travels around these here united states, most people outside of Texas don't get the sheep joke. Maybe peeps in OK would, but I've never even driven through that state. Most peeps give a blank, somewhat quizzical look and say "I don't get it." Then I just say "nevermind" and move on….
You truly ARE a Texan.
Danielle has the range/oven occupado making cookies, and popping corn ...

I had to eat, though, so I though to try the gas burner ...



Used a little Benton's bacon magic to get some tortillas happy.


Deglazed w/ beer because it was in-hand, and grated cheddar right top ...


All in all, five minutes from conception to piehole, and broken down and cleaned up in five more. Seriously, I started after Danielle, and finished before she was done popping corn ...

Popcorn and a movie, after GoT ... it's nice not to work for a change!
Looks awesome, Grant!
My son brought home some butterscotch cream soda last night, so I am wondering about that caramel version you have. (Different brands, though.) The butterscotch is a tad too sweet for me to drink a whole bottle by itself at once, though I can see myself finish one off if I was drinking it while eating spicy food. What's your take on the caramel version?
check out that collection TRAY. I only have a collection mini mason jar lol

i collected all five pack's worth way back ;)

Looks awesome, Grant!
My son brought home some butterscotch cream soda last night, so I am wondering about that caramel version you have. (Different brands, though.) The butterscotch is a tad too sweet for me to drink a whole bottle by itself at once, though I can see myself finish one off if I was drinking it while eating spicy food. What's your take on the caramel version?

I agree. In fact, I bought that during checkout Saturday morning at Ace Hardware while picking up some teflon tape and only drank half of it that day. I recharged it (have CO2 and carbonator cap) Sunday morning and had some throughout the day.

I like that family of soda flavors - cream soda, butterscotch, root beer - a bit more than fruit or cola varieties (although true cola made using the pharma-grade cola syrup can be awesome) ...

But yeah, they are exceedingly sweet.
JayT said:
How could NO ONE quote this??? :rofl:
I got that story beat.
Myself and another fishing guide were living in a tent on the Lower Nushagak River guiding fisherman for kings.
Every day the lodge would fly out fisherman in floatplanes to our location to fish for the day.
They's get picked up @5pm for the 40 minute flight back to the lodge with their daily catches, (2 per day, 5 total for the season on the Nush at the time)
We did a shore lunch every day and for as many as 6 guides and 20 guests.
I cooked it all over an open fire with a coupla' bigass cast iron pans.
Fresh, right out of the river and off the last tide.
A hunnert' differnt' ways.
Some of my favorites were...
Vietnamese Black Bean, '57 and honey, and salmon meuniere.
Along with 3 cheese sun dried tomato & mushroom mac n' scheeze with mango hot sauce.
et. al. sheeit too.
So I've already had more than 40 kings to the boat before 11:30am.
My fisherman are wasted on hosky, Cuban cigars, a bottle of red wine, and a small flask of Jack.
They were beggin' me to take them to the camp to chillax.
Once I secured them and the boat at camp I went to my tent for something I don't 'member rightly now.
I whooped the fly back on the tent and there was one of the lodge's pilots chillin' right on my sleeping bag.
All up in my sheeit!
(His 185 pegged on the river for guests at the end of day)
He says to me...
"Dude, you've got a mag of tequila, a fifth of vodka, a porn magazine, a S&W .44 mag with an 8 and 3/8's barrel, and a box of kleenex here in your tent."
"You're a sick bastard."
"I want to party with you."
He said that.
I shit you not.
Good guy that pilot too.
He flew me around Kodiak when the season ended and we ate king crab right off the boat.
And slammed the hell out of the silver run.
Some of the bestest times of my life.
And the best food I've ever eaten.