food The Hungover Chef

^^^ So much awesome. Throw in some of your wings, queso, and Pizza Flavored Combos, and we'll have ourselves heaven on earth.


This is how I hungover chef......
I forgot to post this earlier this week, but D whipped up a Trader Joe's recovery meal the other morning - well, day ... it was definitely early afternoon ... depending on your schedule, afternoon ... and if you have medicare, it might have actually been at your dinner time ... so a burger makes sense, right?




straightened me right out!
That might very well be you best meal ever GM. Those taters look friggen awesome!
Perfect burger too.

Nice Job bro.
I almost feel guilty....

I cooked an awful lot of tonight's feast "whilst" fantasizing of manana's hunged-over brekky......

Bless the Irish! :D
Nice! I can't tell, but that's looks like a pretty good bagel, for FL.
Here's the Irish breakfast I was having before I talked to you Saturday Scovie and CJ...


Not pictured five shots of Jameson and some dude with bagpipes.