food The Last Great Pizza Thread

Two fails in a row for The TB? Unheard of! A pizza stone might be the cure. You can still build the pizza in the perforated pan, then slap that on the pre-heated stone. No need for mad peel skills.
Two fails in a row for The TB? Unheard of! A pizza stone might be the cure. You can still build the pizza in the perforated pan, then slap that on the pre-heated stone. No need for mad peel skills.

Much obliged Sum.

I don't think the stone is necessary and besides, I don't want to spend the energy and or time to heat the stone up.

Next attempt will be the same recipe and thin roll out but I'll move the rack to the lowest rung just over the element. That should do the trick.

I'm a man.

I ain't too proud to admit my failures and mistakes.

Real cooks screw the pooch now and then.
Oh please TB!!!!

Your wins outnumber any failures, like 100:1!!!!!!

I think you do them on purpose, so we (I) don't get discouraged by our (my) own Fails!

Thank You! ;)
Just yesterday on telly (TV for Americans) I saw Jamie Oliver heat up a big frying pan whack in the dough, add the toppings and put it under the grill (broiler). Came out with a crunchy base. Bit of a cheat, but why not?
Just yesterday on telly (TV for Americans) I saw Jamie Oliver heat up a big frying pan whack in the dough, add the toppings and put it under the grill (broiler). Came out with a crunchy base. Bit of a cheat, but why not?

I don't know if there is such a thing as cheating when it comes to cooking.

Shortcuts? Yes. Modifications? You betcha'.

Everything I know about anything in the kitchen I stole from somebody else.

Some things should be done according to tradition.

Others, whatever it takes.
Captain Kirk, on the bridge of the USS Enterprise, has been watching the alien ship for some time. Now he sees its bay door open, and what is obviously a large death-ray launcher appears. Kirk taps his communicator and barks:

Kirk: "Scotty - We need sheilds NOW!"

Scotty: "Sir, we've had shields up for over ah hour now - TB put them up as soon as we saw that alien ship."

Kirk: "Divert all remaining power to the laser-cannons - we're going to have to put out his death-ray before he has a chance to fire."

Scotty: "Sorry, Cap'n, but I just canna do it!"

Kirk: "Dammit, Scotty, I said divert all remaining power to the laser-cannons; make it happen NOW!"

Scotty: "Sorry, Cap'n, but I told you I canna do it! TB diverted all power to the shields when he put them up, and there's nothing left for the laser-cannons!"
The alien ship hadn't blasted the USS Enterprise to space dust, but only took out its warp engines. Kirk had ejected the warp engines to save the lives of the crew, and they were now in the ship's disk heading to the closest planet on impulse power. Only, it was slower-going than usual. With the shields up at maximum power, the death ray from the alien ship was only able to impart minimal damage to the ship - the Enterprise's outer shell was weakened by the blast, and it now looked like a limp pizza floating in space....
I love this thread!!!! :rofl:

Say, gotta question.

I want to make and freeze some pizza dough for the NWCF.
I make mine in my bread machine (don't hate!) - which mixes, does the 1st proofing, then punches it down.
At that point I let it rest another 20 minutes or so, then Geeme it and pop it in the fridge.

But it always busts thru the plastic wrap! Am I not letting it rest long enough? Should I refrigerate it, then freeze it, or freeze it right away (after punching down)?

Basically, how the hell do I freeze pizza dough?! :D
Haa! The Chronicles of THE TB - A JayT Sidebar

FIFY and don't make me do it again!

Stones, Bricks and Mortar for TB's outdoor pizza oven... $538.46

Airfare for JayT and Scovie to TB's to build said oven... $967.21

Beer, Queso, and Tortillas... $379.86

TB's first pizza in his new oven comes out flacid... PRICELESS
Pizzas are starting to look better in the WFO, just need to learn to take better pictures. Tried a Peter Reinhardt dough recipe, came up a treat, puffy, soft with a little chew, held its shape. Not Bad




BBQ Chicken




Caramel Apple

I LOVE when they get those puffy air bubbles in the crust. Looking awesome Booma. I believe in an alternate universe I am a much luckier person with one of those ovens of my own...
I may have made 10 pizzas in my lifetime. I just generally don't make or even eat pizza. The crust is starchy, tomatoe sauce kind of upsets my stomach, I don't really care for things like pepperoni...... and if I really get a crazy desire for the stuff, I can order a Hawaiian from Donatos, with ham, pineapple, cinnamon, almonds.... Plenty of reasons not to make pizza.

But tonight's dinner was quite good, and I didn't even TB the crust!

Pics, you ask? I think I'll do like TB and post mañana.....