contest The Next Throwdown is...

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LOL it ain't shepherd's pie. But don't ask if you don't want suggestions.
The one with chicken and raisins da bomb. The corn top is like a moist/steamed corn bread texture. Amazing.
This is all about personal challenges so if you've ever really wanted to make something but doubted yourself now is the time.
Whatever you are good at making, don't make anything close to that.
The Hot Pepper said:
Whatever you are good at making, don't make anything close to that.
Hmm…. it seems this will be a baconless throwdown. Everybody makes bacon. Everybody here, anyway. 
I may give African of some sort a go again. The African part, not remaking what I made before. Could be interesting.
JayT said:
The challenge here is going to be figuring out something I haven't cooked!  I'm open to suggestions.
gefilte fish (aka jar tilapia) ...
scrapple? ...
rocky mountain oysters ...
escargot ...
frog legs ...
sushi(mi) ...
head cheese ...
A hoedown.
And geeme, DO NOT answer that! The innuendo flew right over TB's head. :lol:
And Jay, no cheating. Get out of your comfort zone!

Maybe they'll give it up!!!
HAHAHA too funny.
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