contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Ok, I found what I'm going to make. I'm going to have to do a substitution as I can't get an ingredient here and don't have time to make it myself. But, assuming I like what I make well enough, I will try it another time with the authentic ingredient and see if I think it makes a noticeable difference. Is it TD-worthy? Who cares?! As we have all likely said to ourselves at one time or another "i win 'cause I got to eat it!"
I just googled "dishes I have never cooked before" and got "Error 404, Not found". 

For reals, I'm gonna need some help on this one.
Start naming dishes that will smile pretty for the camera.
I've never made mofongo, but I'll never take a picture of it when I do.
SumOfMyBits said:
I've never made mofongo, but I'll never take a picture of it when I do.
Yeah, when I started my search I came across a lot that either a) had a key ingredient I couldn't get and didn't even have an idea of what an appropriate substitute could be, b) couldn't pronounce the dish or ingredients so would just be making it up as I went along, or c) sounded absolutely delish but pics? No way! 
Heh - what I make could fall in c) above, but at least I'll know what I'm making and it won't look totally like slop. Ha!
"Well known dish" is pretty relative.
I'm not sayin' I'm a hipster and know everything, but if I haven't heard of it... it's not "well known" enough... dammit!
My circle of influence might mostly intersect with things outside of what yours does.
SumOfMyBits said:
"Well known dish" is pretty relative.
I'm not sayin' I'm a hipster and know everything, but if I haven't heard of it... it's not "well known" enough... dammit!
My circle of influence might mostly intersect with things outside of what yours does.
No, keep in mind that when I look for recipes that are "well known" I specifically look for stuff that I've never even heard of before but are well-known at least in some part of the world. Like the Mumbai sandwich I posted a while back - I had no idea that sandwiches like we are familiar with were even made in that part of the world, but apparently they're well-known enough over there to be sold by street vendors. A fairly easy thing to do is to look up holidays and festivals for another part of the world then find what kinds of foods are traditional for celebrating those holidays/festivals. You can get ingredients in your area that aren't available in my area, so it should be a tad easier for you. 
lol G. I was half joking when I posted that (and I do exactly what you do with The Google), but it doesn't change my view of the arbitrariness of the term "well known". ;)
I never said well.
The Hot Pepper said:
Cook a "known" dish you have NEVER cooked before. Anything goes!
A "known" dish is a composed dish that is known to an area, region, or people. It may be popular or obscure as long as it has history.
It can be obscure, it just means don't make up your own dish the point is to make something you've never made that already exists. Maybe something you've always wanted to try, or feared making. :) Or something out of your comfort zone.
Scoville DeVille said:
Fried eggs with no black pepper. :D
Go for it, sugar. Chile pow of some kind is all you really need, maybe a dash of salt. But they're even better with shredded bbq pork (also made with no BP) on top. MMMMmmmmmM!
You, too, can be skeered no more.
So by my calculations the next throwdown falls on SuperBowl weekend.  I seem to remember some prior epicness occurring in this throwdown.  So boss, what's it gonna be?
JayT said:
So by my calculations the next throwdown falls on SuperBowl weekend.  I seem to remember some prior epicness occurring in this throwdown.  So boss, what's it gonna be?
I have new ammo in the tailgate challenge!!!
Bring it!
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