contest The Next Throwdown is...

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JayT said:
So by my calculations the next throwdown falls on SuperBowl weekend.  I seem to remember some prior epicness occurring in this throwdown.  So boss, what's it gonna be?
Your drunk calculations are off by a week lol.
Yeah, even as a carnivore I can enjoy a nice side salad.. Especially when it's scorching hot outside.

But about the throwdown. I hope it would be something with easy to get ingredients which most people can create (without the need for fancy kitchen tools) so that half of the forum can participate.

Maybe a rematch on the burgers or pizza?

Or European stews like Pörkölt, Paprikas Csirke, Bigos or Lecso? All are perfectly fit for spicing up.

Boom! next problem.
Pasta is good, but it's hard to make an appealing photo of the dish. Most pasta looks alike.. than the one with the best camera wins. Nah.. let's stick to something that looks pretty on pics.
There's probably already some KitchenAid new-in-box shit on a shelf in the closet or something ... I'd probably roll it out, though ...
I usually only automate away repetition, not manual processes ... I like to do things the manual way ... what I don't like, it doing ANYTHING over and over =)
I hope whatever it is requires a rigid plate ... something heavy and wet, LOL ...
I'm kind of down on shredded cheese now that I've found out there's starch (and more) all over it ...
I won't clean the whole Cuisinart to shred cheese either ...
I should probably buy one of those grating tower things, because I'm not too lazy for that ...
I probably wouldn't hand grate for a slippery taco, though, either =)
You need to add starch to pre shredded cheese else it will become a solid lump again when you pack it in a bag. A great tower sucks, they are a pain to clean unless you get a expensive one. Far better is a cheap grate that you just hook onto the inside of a large (batter) bowl. It will run you about $1.. if you don't like it, sell it on ebay to get 85% of your investment back : -)
The best thing about grating your own cheese is that you are not depending on those crappy cheeses that come pre shredded. Get some decent cheeses and grate your own.
Pfeffer said:
Pasta is good, but it's hard to make an appealing photo of the dish. Most pasta looks alike.. than the one with the best camera wins. Nah.. let's stick to something that looks pretty on pics.
This just sold me on why we SHOULD do a pasta TD one of these days.
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