contest The Next Throwdown is...

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grantmichaels said:
I'm kind of down on shredded cheese now that I've found out there's starch (and more) all over it ...
I won't clean the whole Cuisinart to shred cheese either ...
I should probably buy one of those grating tower things, because I'm not too lazy for that ...
I probably wouldn't hand grate for a slippery taco, though, either =)
you read about the powdered tree in it too?   If you start looking cellulose powder is in so many things, and going into more all the time.  I hate the texture it gives to ice Cream  that has it though. 
you read about the powdered tree in it too?   If you start looking cellulose powder is in so many things, and going into more all the time.  I hate the texture it gives to ice Cream  that has it though. 

yup. nasty ... bought a washboard style grater today ...
Yup there's been a Pasta TD already.  Mebbe it's time to be revisited.
And speaking of lasagne, this was my entry in the TD, Chocolate Lasagne :D

Frangelico ftw! A personal fav ...
Let's just have a TD with nothing but descriptions as entries.
That way everyone can stop complaining about cameras. You know, even though most everyone says they dont vote solely based on the photos.
We all look at the photos of course, but they account for only about 25% of my vote.  Then I check recipe - a solid recipe with good/easy/intuitive measurements and instructions accounts for about 75% of my vote.  If I'm stuck deciding between any two my tie breaker = fewest TD crowns gets my vote ;)  
Speaking from experience I know more people who cook well than stage or shoot food well.  Several here are gifted at both.    
To me, staging the food, using props and just the right plates is half the fun. I LOVE to cook.....but taking the perfect shot of a chilidog is just as satisfying! I chronicle my cooking so I can go back and gain inspiration for future meals......and also to share my creations with folks like you.
It may not win me votes......but it sure makes ME happy.
 who doesn't love a great picture of a great plate of food. For Td's I really try to dissect the whole thing and look at the pics last. Get the feel/idea of what they were going for. I like when you can tell a person really enjoyed making their entry. For me I like eating hot food, spend 20 minutes taking a pic that makes the food look great doesn't mean it taste good. you can't polish a turd no matter how hard you try  :P   with that being said their are some really awesome cooks here. 
almost forgot I 2nd the vote for lips and assholes! 
salsalady said:
Does this mean you WANT it to be SB-themed?  or Not?  :?:  :eh:
I see what you mean, it was ambiguous ...
I don't have any objection to a SB theme ...
Perhaps selfishly, I was just trying to coax THP into leaking some details BEFORE I grocery shop ...
Good photogs are definitely a bonus, but it doesn't have to be ultra-HiDef, whatever.  Grainy cell phone pics definitely don't help, but it's not a DeathKnell for a TD entry.  A decent digital camera can do wonders for food pics. 
I also love to think about platings and how food cooked for a TD will look when posted and (sometimes :lol: ) even consider how it will be viewed on a cell phone screen.  Color, texture, it all comes into play. 
For me, There's no 1 formula for viewing TD posts when voting.  Sometimes, it's who stepped up the game, sometimes it's who executed the challenge the best (like for a smoked/smoker challenge), sometimes (when there's not so much technical stuff to do, like for a Comfort Foods challenge) it's more about what I'd want to chow down on RIGHTNOW.  Sometimes a better picture has tipped the scales, but not always.   
I appreciate the fun and challenge the TDs pose.  It's exposed our family to many new foods and styles of cooking we probably wouldn't have sought out before or tried to cook on our own.  After the recent Pot Stickers entry, I made them for the Fam and it was AWESOME!  
And I Second-Third-ReWine That one, TB!    :rofl:
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