contest The Next Throwdown is...

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LOL! Actually, now that you mention it, I seriously almost picked up a can of lower-sodium Spam today. But then I realized that "lower sodium" isn't the same as "low sodium" and I took a pass on it as I just don't need that much salt. 
tct - TD's are always a good time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new!
Yup, I've Char Siu Bao, but I've never been to a Dim Sum restaurant, or had it like tapas style etc ...
I hope I can play, too, but we'll have to see ...
I need to get some people's seeds out and get my plugs in containers first, at least ...
cypresshill1973 said:
Mmm Dim Sum, sound good, but will be difficult, in reality is strange to me,. I like chinese food, but i don't know this dish
It's really not that hard - think of it as Cantonese 'brunch' type meal.  You gather with friends and discuss the week's events over tea and many small dishes that you all share.
Really it's like Chinese tapas, so it's easy to make a whole bunch of related stuff that could pass for dim sum.  
So you've never had potstickers or steamed dumplings? That's hard to believe. The sauce at our local Chinese restaurant is awesome too.
SmokenFire said:
It's really not that hard - think of it as Cantonese 'brunch' type meal.  You gather with friends and discuss the week's events over tea and many small dishes that you all share.
Really it's like Chinese tapas, so it's easy to make a whole bunch of related stuff that could pass for dim sum.  
You right, I will do
OMG!!!!  I'm getting quoted from 5 years ago and I still haven't made proper dim sum!!!
Guess I'm getting called on the carpet for this one, lucky I popped in here to check it out.  Now, if Boss had that Tag feature going, I would of seen it before.  :lol:
And for the one who asked about the's the first FULL weekend of the month.  So if the 1st is on Saturday or Sunday, it's not that weekend.  If the First is on Friday, it's that weekend.  Based on the days here in the USA.
For our compadres down under and on other continenets, there's no way it can accomodate everyone's personal schedule.  Sometimes it works for my schedule sometimes not.  It is what it is.  For Oz, it's their Sat-Mon as they are ahead of us, for Europe it's their Thurs-Sat( or sort of!).  Wherever a person lives, it's still subject to each person's schedule.   
People can always get different days off at there job, or get a job with the right days off!  :lol:
PRIORITIES, Man~~~!!!  :lol:
Or get self employed where you can be self-unemployed on any day you wish! :dance: 
There are not many differences. Europe / australia over 6 hours, Argentina 1 hour more.
Here ends 11pm but in your country is the 10pm, in Europe are sleeping that huor LOL
Thanks for pointing that out, CypressHill.  You're 1 hour ahead of Eastern Time Zone?  Which is usually how the TD times are posted.
Here, SL, just for you:
Daylight Savings Time considered and without getting technical, London is at GMT. So….
You are in Pacific time, which is GMT minus 7.
THP is in Eastern time, which is GMT minus 4.
CH is in GMT minus 3.
Essegi is in GMT plus 2.
Oz (its capital, anyway) is GMT plus 10.
I am one of the "lucky" ones who has to keep this sorted out when testing program or server changes with global clients. Or, at least, TRY to keep it sorted out! 
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