contest The Next Throwdown is...

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geeme said:
What happened to beginning in the wee hours of Friday morning so our friends on the other side of the globe could use their full weekend? ;)
What happened? No one entered and the topic got lost and pushed down until Friday night when people actually entered that's what happened. :lol:

JayT said:
Let's go Pooksie, I am already cooking! Posty up the POL so I can beat Key to the first post for once. I couldn't make up my mind what to smoke/grill so I am doing IT ALL!
3pm sir. Doing it now.
haha I saw that JayT. you might beat me this time...we'll see. I've got more ingredients to buy and a full  packed weekend. and unlike JoynersHotPeppers, our sky has a few rain clouds meandering. hopefully wont be a problem. Assuming there's lobster to be had, i'll probably be doing something-stuff grilled lobster with rice pilaf. if lobster is not available, then I haven't decided yet. 
I was supposed to tentatively go to an event tonight, and meet for some recording/planning tomorrow. I'll probably be cooking too tonight or some time. so much to do not enough time.. that on top of my usual work. Oh and Fantasy football draft.. and the lightning says I'm about to lose my power for the second time today...
You've got my vote for starting TD's early on Friday EST. I like using the extra time on Fridays when I'm able.
keybrdkid said:
haha I saw that JayT. you might beat me this time...we'll see. I've got more ingredients to buy and a full  packed weekend. and unlike JoynersHotPeppers, our sky has a few rain clouds meandering. hopefully wont be a problem. Assuming there's lobster to be had, i'll probably be doing something-stuff grilled lobster with rice pilaf. if lobster is not available, then I haven't decided yet. 
I was supposed to tentatively go to an event tonight, and meet for some recording/planning tomorrow. I'll probably be cooking too tonight or some time. so much to do not enough time.. that on top of my usual work. Oh and Fantasy football draft.. and the lightning says I'm about to lose my power for the second time today...
You've got my vote for starting TD's early on Friday EST. I like using the extra time on Fridays when I'm able.
Not to pile on, but me too.
This weekend my fucters at work are trying to sabotage my holiday ...
oh wait, ish, i think i signed on to be the one to send the reminder ... oops.
bloozer said:
Wooooooo.... Can't wait to participate in throwdowns!! Man you guys make some good looking stuff, making me drool :-)
geeme said:
All suckers newbies welcome!  :D
Seriously though - we'd love to see what you bring to the next TD!
^^ :rofl:
 Jump Dive right in !  ( i did and i <3 it here :D  )
the waters :hot:
the  :beer: 's are cold (actually sometimes they're HOT too )
the company competition is great  :P
and you'll be hard pressed to find a nicer bunch to share your food (& PEPPER) pics with  :)
seriously though, Pepper People Are The Best.
:welcome:  to the party   :party:
I look forward to seeing your food (& Pepper) Pics
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