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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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The Hot Pepper said:
When you have two good ideas, make one. :P
Soup and sandwich, bake your own bread... but "sandwich" can be any kind... soup too...
Banh mi and pho
Po boy and gumbo
Grilled cheese and tomato soup
Burger, pita, you get the idea.
Bake and Bowl TD
Bringing it back around for show/discussion ...
Oh man it's this week isn't it lolz...
Friday is New Year's Day! That means hangover... okay typing on the fly here, making this up as I go... Friday is Hangover Cures, must post one plate of hangover food no matter what that is to you and one Hair of the Dog beverage.
What cures you? Greasy breakfast, steak and eggs, fruit smoothie, bloody mary, what?
You don't have to be hungover but bonus points! Just post your cure and don't forget the bev, most hangover cures double as gluttonous plates of comfort food (or health food), so this should be a good/interesting one.
If you are hungover and can only muster enough strength to fry up a Spam sandwich and pour an OJ... post it! And let us know if it worked.
You're in? Never know what you will come up with...
I can see FB all over this with greasy meats on waffles and a healthy smoothie combo...  SmokenFire's biscuits and gravy? dragonsfire with the health plate? CH73 I bet you got something with offal lol, JayT with the scrapple?!
JayT said:
Never seen tater tots in a mac n cheese before
That could work. wheebz one for you to enter! Bet you have a Hair of the Dog beer too. Dammit now I gave you an idea, you'll make millions.......
I hope to see some micheladas......
I eat scrapple but not for hangovers. For me its gotta be a greasy cheesesteak. I think I just might be able to muster one up for the TD since I will be off on Friday. Can we start the TD early since it is about hangovers and we will all be hungover that morning? I have my annual NYE date with Scovie and CJ to drink and post here. Should be fun. Pickle shots for everyone. Guess that is my entry, cheesesteak and pickle shots. Should be able to pull that one off.
For me, and it's always been true, my hangover food of choice is diner-style cheeseburgers/sliders ...
In Gainesville, it was Sunday lunchtime at the Purple Porpoise ... they had a nice burger basket, with chips ...
Here in Sarasota it's typically been Tasty Home Cookin' ... they have both burgers and sliders, and I would switch back and forth, but if I got the sliders, I'd get them onionless ...
Besides not wanting onions when I'm hungover, I DO NOT seek char-grilled burgers either ... nothing that will flavor my belching ... no onion, no char, nothing with wood character, I guess, LOL ...
Multiple cheeseburgers, with lettuce, tomato, mayo, and pickles ... no fries ... and as much sweet tea as I can get in me ...
Good because hangovers don't start at night. Well wait, yes they do, but you feel them in the morning. Should we require a proof shot of what you drank along with the hair of the dog photo? This TD is right up my alley!
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