contest The Next Throwdown is...

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Ain't that the truth tho?! :lol:

While doing all of this JTing, I keep coming across dishes I've never had (nor heard of), and get myself so side tracked that I just took a virtual culinary trip thru Mexico!

And I got veeeeeery hungry!

So I just had a microwaved hot dog smothered in So-Flo gravy........Take THAT Mexico!!!! :)
I am going to be doing a lot of JayTeeing. I know the place I want to get my inspiration from, but I have no idea what they are known for as far as cuisine.

Here's my combo! To save everyone's time, I will accept my crown and we can promptly move on to June. Thank you for your time :)
.....I know the place I want to get my inspiration from, but I have no idea what they are known for as far as cuisine.

Same here J! I may have the main dish figured out, but keep getting tripped up on the side dish I want to make.

But it's a fun trip! :)
I hit the jackpot. I knew the place, but wasn't sure what they are known for. Turns out, a couple of my favorite dishes! Woohoo!
Did I mention everything has to be from a can?

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