contest The Next Throwdown is...

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It is occurring to me after an afternoon and now evening researching the cuisine of the state I chose, that I am going to either have to host a party, or will be eating Mexican for a week in order to make all the food for my throwdown entry. Those people don't cook for two, they cook for a neighborhood.
If I say what state's cuisine I am cooking, then it will most likely give away my entry, so I better not say.
I quite like `Mexican` food, but it is literally only tacos and burritos and enchiladas in my experience and part of the world. So don't hold it against me if I research an authentic recipe online and make that. I wouldn't presume to know anything about different regions of Mexico. I've been to Los Angeles and I know its south of there but that's about all I know :P
That's the whole idea of this TD, so you got this.
I had a lot of fun learning about different regions of Mexico and their histories. I think I will do more of that today.
What state do loco nacho enchirito chimichurros come from??
...cause that's how I roll!

The state of Borracho. Damn good stuff if you've been nailed into a crate and shipped south of the boarder as a Frat Party prank.

Bear knows all about this. He's whispering in my ear.
So being in Palm Beach County FL, the largest agricultural county on the Eastern Seaboard, I should go interview some Mexicans and learn from the horses mouth all about Mexican Cuisine.
I should go interview some Mexicans and learn ... all about Mexican Cuisine.
Good luck with that! I took a cooking class a number of years ago from a chef from the Yucatan. Food in that region is very different from food in other regions, in and of itself. But one thing he said that has stuck with me ever since is that what most Americans think of as "Mexican food" is to most Mexicans like McDonalds is here. Not everyone here eats at McDonalds (believe it or not....) and not everyone in Mexico eats burritos and tacos. Since most Mexicans here know that most Americans think of "Mexican McDonalds" type of food as the sum total of "Mexican food", they'll likely only tell you what they think you want to hear.
I agree w/ Geeme ... I'm aware that there's killer Mexican cuisine that's much more complex than what is typically served in the States, yet have never had or attempted it ...
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