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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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grantmichaels said:
WTF Pookie - shit talkin' was at least three-quarters of the reason I entered ...
You can still do that lol but I wouldn't show my cards in a head-to head if I were u s'all.

Wait, you're the element of surprise guy and people's plans bother you lol... you troll  classicking me son?
The Hot Pepper said:
You can still do that lol but I wouldn't show my cards in a head-to head if I were u s'all.

Wait, you're the element of surprise guy and people's plans bother you lol... you troll  classicking  me son?
I'm also the op-position-ally defiant guy, and less rules = moar awesomer ...
Plus Wheebz seems to want to talk smack ...
I'll give it to him eyez open if that's how he likes it ...
Grant you can drink for all of us.  I am dry till the weekend.  I wanted to crack open a Make Stout Great Again, but it has only been 2 days.  I will hold off till Saturday.  
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