contest The Next Throwdown is...

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The stuffed burgers I made for that last throwdown where killer, not the best pic wise but for flavor.. hellz yea. 
I've gotten the wifes permission for one of the burger ideas. Well two of them but the one i'm leaning toward the most is a go. 
Monster burger ftw
What the?????
My Birthday is Friday 6/3, I just wanted to get another tattoo, get liquored up and make burgers!
Now I got BAKE some shit?!!?!?!?! :rofl: :rofl:
And NOT a Burger bun?!?!?!?! :rofl:
This oughta be good.
Seriously. This will be good!
Cheers Ozzy! I am looking forward to being in a challenge with you bro! :cheers:
Holy crap I hope this is good.
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