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contest The Next Throwdown is...

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I don't think this is as complicated as it is being made to be. I can make nachos, and my killer de Arbol salsa...as long as I drizzle the salsa on the chip and pick it up...not in a bowl. Seems simple to me.
LB gets it. Some people are scared by rules. Not the wording, just the rules themselves. I see you read them. :D

C'mon now.

This is eazy peazy.

I gotta' work all this TD but I think I might be in.

Thanks heaps Dan for putting up with all the boo hoo cry baby sheeit here.

I like to be liking this TD!
Done some research and it seems the superbowl is being broadcast live at 10am Monday in my end of Australia. :( This also just happens to be the first day of the new school year, and my youngest is starting kindy too so can't pull any sickies.

Therefore I'll have to make, photograph and eat my winning entry on Sunday night whilst watching highlights of previous superbowls.
Hey boss, this is more to put this thread back in the my content section for me. I understand "one entry" but what if you very the ingredients to make several flavors of your "one entry." Kinda like different pigs in the same blankets, different cheeses on the same crackers or the same basic vehicle made both sweet and savory by different toppings/fillings?

If its been covered sorry I didn't surf for it...
Hey boss, this is more to put this thread back in the my content section for me. I understand "one entry" but what if you very the ingredients to make several flavors of your "one entry." Kinda like different pigs in the same blankets, different cheeses on the same crackers or the same basic vehicle made both sweet and savory by different toppings/fillings?

If its been covered sorry I didn't surf for it...

That's fine, yes. As long as the entry is the same dish the flavors can vary with the held food item or dip, if one exists. Best example is, honey BBQ and Sweet Thai wings, but all are wings. Whatever you feel is the best finger food for the SB! That's the idea.

when this thanng starting?

Tomorrow. No one is cooking for the SB today. Tomorrow, some may be prepping and/or cooking.
That's starting to cut into my partay-time Boss! :lol:

Can't be goin' to the stoh all buzzy and stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(i'm teasing, i'm teasing!)
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