if you dont know what this is p.m. me and ill share!nope! i invented the swiss army knife!
dang it there goes that idea im out!1. Lil'Smokies with cheese
2. Kraft BBQ Sauce
3. Pillsbury Croissant roolls
Go gett'em Sic!
Hey boss, this is more to put this thread back in the my content section for me. I understand "one entry" but what if you very the ingredients to make several flavors of your "one entry." Kinda like different pigs in the same blankets, different cheeses on the same crackers or the same basic vehicle made both sweet and savory by different toppings/fillings?
If its been covered sorry I didn't surf for it...
when this thanng starting?
I am trying to figure out which tasty morsel I shall enter! So many choices leads to no choice at all- I'll try and get the inner child back on track.