contest The Next Throwdown is...

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If you pull out the ham, you'll undoubtedly get my vote, I'm sure ...
I have country ham envy after seeing the Benton's segment on Mind of a Chef ...
hahahaha me too, main reason I learned how to cook and do most the cooking, my mom couldn't cook for crap. Used to have steak all the time and I hated it. Cheapest cuts avail and broiled in the oven to consistency of leather. I hated steak until I was in my 20s and had a real one. Don't even get me started on steakums. god those things are horrible. 
Maybe I could cook heroin in a spoon, there's something mother was always good at........ "Here the spoon is lightly garnished with a cotton ball serving both function and aesthetics"
My heritage is English and German.  I guess I can't do fish and chips again.  I think I won with that one before didn't I?
grantmichaels said:
Kind of gross, but neat nonetheless.
Do you build the little spit-like holder for it for shaving right before you have it, or ? ...
It was cured by a famous guy in Va right outside Smithfield. He sells out every single times he puts his hams to market. My dad gave me this one. Once you give it a bath to scrub the mold and salt off it becomes a thing of beauty. This will be my first time processing my own.
The mold on it is fine, if you have ever seen cured meat or a real cheese process you would know. :) 
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