I've grown Cherokee green, beefsteaks, black krim and japenese black triefle in pots and they've done great....any cherry tomatoes would work too.MeatHead1313 said:Can anyone recommend some good varieties for growing in containers? My wife wants me to grow her some tomatoes again this year, and my only option is containers as the ground we have where we're living is no good for growing without a lot of work being done to it, and we're planning on moving this year so it's not worth the trouble. She's looking for some type of regular sized tomato for salsa's, pico and sandwiches, and a cherry tomato for salads etc.
If you need any seeds, let me know.

Mr Clayton Forrester said:Tried amish paste last year. I got about 5, coworker got one. Guess they dont like hot and dry. Hopefully you have better luck.
They always do great for me, thankfully as its one of my "staples" for canning and salsa's.