The Official Yellow Scorpion CARDI Grow Thread...

Lookin good toleman! Can't wait to see more updates from everyone! Just wish I had some goin myself. Ah well I'll get hold of some eventually.

Good luck all.

EDIT: Whats the heat comparison on these to the "normal" Scorp?
Lookin good toleman! Can't wait to see more updates from everyone! Just wish I had some goin myself. Ah well I'll get hold of some eventually.

Good luck all.

EDIT: Whats the heat comparison on these to the "normal" Scorp?

Yes, yes, I'd like to know also. Cheers.
Lookin good toleman! Can't wait to see more updates from everyone! Just wish I had some goin myself. Ah well I'll get hold of some eventually.

Good luck all.

EDIT: Whats the heat comparison on these to the "normal" Scorp?

Hey Jas, you can buy yellow cardi at
plus a few other rare ones, i bought yellow cardi, and orange scorps and 7 pod SR strain. seems like a good dude, had no troubles. yet to grow them though

I haven't tried them yet, but I have 2 plants going with pods on them. If I remember correctly, I read that they are not as hot as the red ones. I guess I will find out for myself soon enough.

Both the yellow (CARDI) and the red Trinidad Scorpion peppers are very hot. But the yellow ones aren't quite as hot as the red ones. I've grown both of them and I was able to tell the difference first hand.

However, I will say this about the yellow Scorpion, it will not disappoint you if you're expecting some heat from it.

Both the yellow (CARDI) and the red Trinidad Scorpion peppers are very hot. But the yellow ones aren't quite as hot as the red ones. I've grown both of them and I was able to tell the difference first hand.

However, I will say this about the yellow Scorpion, it will disappointment you if you're expecting some heat from it.


Finally, an answer! Thank you Alan.
Everyone please forgive the grammatical errors in my previous post (#66). I was trying to say that the yellow Scorpion would NOT disappoint you if you're expecting heat from it. I guess I'll have to start proof reading my comments better before I post them.

Thanks for clarifying Alan. I tried a yellow scorpion last year (not the CARDI) that blew my mind. Much hotter than my bhuts and others agreed. It came just labeled as Trinidad Sorpion from a trade though, so not sure if it was a cross or not. Looked just like the FG strain though. It was a scorcher though and I am regrowing it this year to see if it comes true.

Few pods for you:




A Scorpion plant can have pods of many different shapes most of which may not have the recognizable "tail" that protrudes from it.

Its not the stinger/tail that makes it a scorpion pepper, just like Scotch bonnets aren't always bonnet shaped.
When the ring of the remaining flower stays on your scorpion pods, it often constricts them making for a more pronounced "stinger" At least this is how I get more tails/stingers to occur on my Scorpion-BTs. Its my first year growing the yellow Cardi so I don't know much about their growth habits yet.

I'll post pics of this discovery again when I get a chance
Haven't been around this board for awhile and was suprised to see this thread still going strong!

In my experience, these Yellow Scorpion CARDI's are one of, if not the most, vigorous super hot chili peppers that I have had the good fortune to grow. CARDI sure knows how to breed 'em. I have two Yellow Scorps currently growing very strong with immature pods that have the awesome scorpion tail. I'll take some pics in the sunshine tomorrow and post 'em up.