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the person below me

I didn't break it, rather I cut most of it off. My son got his hand caught under a trolley wheel and stripped back the nail to its root. Had to cut most of it off today so it didn't get caught on stuff and pull at what was left. Theres only a tiny sliver left on the side. He will probably have no fingernail for a year or so and then if it does grow back it will be all wonky.

TPBM is imagining that happening to them and is wincing.
Yes. When I was a teenager I slammed my finger in a car door, which made it come up from the nail bed (it was still attached at the tip, though.) No fun. That fingernail was kind of wrinkly-weird at first, but it eventually became smooth. However, that one is slightly curved from base to tip, while the others are more straight from base to tip. Not really noticeable to anyone but me, unless you specifically look for it.

TPBM is cringing and will change the subject.
I'm not cringing, I'm trying to pull my hose hairs out with my fingers but I'll change the subject anyway.

Hands up who likes porn ?
(then type that you have put your hands up so we know)
I don't know! I keep buying packets of them and they just disappear!

That was a test :oops: Had anyone put hands up I would have had some stern words to say.

You believe me?
You crack me up, moo! :rofl:

Do you ever get a mind blank?


TPBM just realized moo tricked both g and I into thinking this was the "ask the next person" thread.
LOL - That trickster!!!!

TPBM will be moo and will give himself 30 lashes.

That will be fake eyelashes, applied all over the face.....
I actually am not a terrible cook. The hubby is a great cook though.

Tpbm will come watch the kids so I can have a nap. Since they kept me up all night.
(Ok, so HHBH posted before I did.... but the answer stands!)

This person is an ok cook who accidentally makes amazing dishes from time to time. True story.

TPBM will tell the roofer guy to SHOW UP ALREADY so I can get the rest of my day going.
Naw, I'm sure TPAM has nothing else to do today.

TPBM has an idea for the nest Summer Blockbuster that will put Star Wars and Harry Potter to shame!
How about a Harry Potter Star Wars fusion?

TPBM wonders why one would even need space ships if Harry Potter-style magic actually existed.
what do you mean "if Harry Potter-style magic actually existed"?? Oh, I forgot, you're a muggle.

TPBM also can't wait for James Cameron's: Battle Angel: Alita.
I can wait. In fact, there won't be any waiting from me at all. :P

TPBM is dressed to the nines but doesn't actually have any plans or anything.
Not at all. Jeans, a sweater, and flip-flops hardly qualify as "dressed to the nines."

TPBM shares my perspective that it's unlikely the Battle Angel: Alita film will live up to the books (of which we have ALL of them....)
TPB Geeme also has all of the books and agrees that the film won't be as good but what film ever is?

TPBM has a secret double life as the "Masked Squirrel Wrangler".