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food The Rajun' Cajun Cussin' Creole Cook

     Alright. Let's try this again.
Hmmm. looks familiar…  ;) (I decided to go with Caribbean reds, Phil.)

Nice, brown roux. To quote my wife, "Mmmm! Smells toasty!".

It's hard to take a good pic at this stage with the camera lens fogging up and all.

The finished product.

All "plated" up. More dishes to wash, but I think I might like it better separate like this.

And a mulberry/blackberry pie for dessert. 

     Meathead, I'm sorry to say I didn't have enough mulberries for the last batch of canned pie filling. I had to substitute with about 1/3 blackberries. You won't be disappointed, though. My wife and I agreed this may be the best pie either of us have ever had. 
Made some more Jambalya last night. Used my same recipie but prepared it like hot stuff. Much easier than how I was doing it and the tomato purée is better than the v8 juice. Although I still used spicy v8 and a can of chicken stock to wet it up more before I added the rice.

Sorry for the poorly lit pic. The light broke above the stove. I should have taken a picture once I put it in the bowl. However, I was too busy stuffing my face to care. I'm allergic to shellfish so I do the chicken and sausage variety. It was so good. I love the sticky texture. I like it best when you could scoop it with an ice cream scoop and the shape will stay the same.

P.S. I know it may be blasphemy, but recently I have been substituting poblanos for the green pepper. Yum! The holy trinity will have to forgive me.
I just came back to check it out again, and to rip the pic w/ the peppers floating for my desktop this week ...
I've only ever done that once before, it was JHP's beer-can chickens when he first came around ...
Thanks guys. It was good, fa, sho'! I ended up putting 5 morugas in there, 4 yellow, one red, and the kids were still able to eat them.
The Hot Pepper said:

What is that chipolte mayo sauce that people are putting on newspaper? lol
That's just what we call "crawfish dip". I don't care for it much, nor do I need it, but others like it. All it is is mayo, a touch of mustard, ketchup, lemon juice, and cajun seasoning (Slap Ya Mama). I had never heard of it until I moved to Lafourche parish in my early 20s. Never had it growing up.
Phil said:
It's that time of year again, boys and girls.








Looks like it's time for a new pot.... This one has sprung a leak
Awesome! Once the ice is out here I will catch a batch of mud bugs,this has inspired me.