oh i know all about him. i love the greenhouse tavern, one of my favorite placesneoguy said:
That guy at noodlecat is on the food map more than Michael Symon, you just haven't heard of him, yet. Lot's of goodness going on here that people don't hear about.
D3monic said:
filmost said:
Mmmmm SALT ;-)
filmost said:Today's lunch: Seimen
filmost said:Very nice!
Also I recommend Flickr. That's what I've been using for my glog this year.
grantmichaels said:flickr or people like imgur, too ...
LUCKYDOG said:I've been using Shirataki noodles and a packet of Herb OX no sodium chicken granuals and add chicken veg or nothing. They are a little hard to used to and must be rinsed but low carb good for those of us looking to control blood sugar and cholesterol. I rinsed mine about 3 times before using or boiling.
D3monic said:
I tried Imgur, seemed to retain the best quality but altered the colors a bit. I think I may stick with that one. photobucket has been butchering pics lately.
Example. The text in this original picture certainly doesn't look like this
anyhow, I'll take this rant elsewhere. don't wanna derail the ramen train.
AaronTT said:I do a few different types of ramen noodles, although its not a true ramen. These are made from organic rice, and a few other ingredients depending on the variety.
Casselberry-Altamonte Springs-20150204-00297.jpg![]()
When it comes to Soba, I use 100% buckwheat Soba, which seems to be harder to find. These days when the package says buckwheat noodles, usually its primarily wheat, with a small percentage of it being buckwheat. I get mine from a health food store. I typically add Miso soup and other veggies, along with some chicken or beef, and herbs and spices. Next time I make it, I will have to take a picture.
filmost said:
I actually thought your photos were fine. Did you take them with your phone? Often the DPI of phones makes things look sharper and clearer than they would on a computer screen. I also use Imgur, but only for photos I don't really care about and don't need to manage. Imgur's downside is you have to pay for a pro account to manage more than your latest 250 photos.
LUCKYDOG said:Ill look for Konjac noodles. Are they same texture? There is a store that is nearby that is suppoesed to have them. My grocery store had the Shirataki fettuccine and angel hair noodle.