food The Spicy Meatless Thread... (ya I went there)

This isn't the pretty looking thing, but I'll definitely be making it again and again and again.  It's seasoned roasted zucchini, caramelized garlic covered roma tomatoes, and smoked gouda cheese.  I sliced the zucchini up and tossed it in OO, salt, bp, Pex's smoked mystery powder, and thyme roasted them in the oven for 10 min, then threw the tomatoes in there for about 25 min.  Layered it tomatoes, zucchini, gouda (I had enough for 2 layers and used 1.5 zucchini, and 4 tomatoes) baked it again until everything was melty.  My oven has been broken for a year and a half and it only heats up from the bottom up, I bet getting some of the heat on the top of that casserole dish would have burnt up the cheese even better.    So good.

For sure. I like the monterey better than the cheddar but I was almost out and it wasnt enough for the whole sammich. I shoulda added the smoked powder like I do to most things but I have a crazy work out tonight and would rather play it safe.
I made a nice mock BBQ sammie, buy shiitake shrooms, and take the caps off. Julienne the stems into thin strips lengthwise. Saute onions and garlic in a sauce pan. Add BBQ sauce, water, beer, and a splash of soy sauce, bring to a simmer, and add the stems and cracked black pepper. Cook it down until it thickens and put on potato rolls with slaw on top.
Mock pulled pork, tastes healthy. Use the caps for something else like a stir fry.
The Hot Pepper said:
I made a nice mock BBQ sammie, buy shiitake shrooms, and take the caps off. Julienne the stems into thin strips lengthwise. Saute onions and garlic in a sauce pan. Add BBQ sauce, water, beer, and a splash of soy sauce, bring to a simmer, and add the stems and cracked black pepper. Cook it down until it thickens and put on potato rolls with slaw on top.
Mock pulled pork, tastes healthy. Use the caps for something else like a stir fry.
isn't there some sorta THP guideline….pics or it didn't happen?
Best usage of eggplant ever for me. Eggplant were actually on plant till that morning.
Sliced, breaded, cooked in oven. I could eat a bucket of that.
Tried with a cheapass maket cheese dip, the mastercraft salsa verde from my uncle, a yellow moruga sauce i've made today (and it's one of the best i've made):

Tried sauces together:

Symbiosis! So good together!
Maybe i should try a multilayer stuff or using those slices for a sanwich instead bread.
I made some tasty pasta sauce from my garden today. Lots of different varieties of tomatoes , garlic, chives, thyme, rosemary , spicy oregano, lots of basil, olive oil, bell pepper, Mediterranean Sea Salt, fresh cracked pepper, parmesian cheese and a large ripe red jalapeño. Let it simmer for a few hours. I really liked it but it was to spicy for my wife. Good thing I didn't put the ripe carribean red in there lol.
The Hot Pepper said:
I made a nice mock BBQ sammie, buy shiitake shrooms, and take the caps off. Julienne the stems into thin strips lengthwise. Saute onions and garlic in a sauce pan. Add BBQ sauce, water, beer, and a splash of soy sauce, bring to a simmer, and add the stems and cracked black pepper. Cook it down until it thickens and put on potato rolls with slaw on top.
Mock pulled pork, tastes healthy. Use the caps for something else like a stir fry.
I've normally only ever saved the stems to use in stock or dry and powder to boost umami in other dishes as needed.  Nice idea to highlight an ingredient that most others throw away.  :)
Rawkstah said:
Black bean and soyrizo with poblano and onion, topped with roasted chili lime sweet potatoes, boricua cheese, and avocado cilantro lime crema. Elote on the side.
"Avo cilantro lime crema."
I know how damn good that is.
Its pretty got damn good.
I'd love to revisit SOYRIZO but truth be told....
I thought it was horrible and had a funky bitter taste to it.
Your pic of it looks awesome!
I don't think I've ever posted on this thread but I catch up every 2-3 weeks. I've been vegetarian for 26 years (age 15) & vegan for the first 18 of that. I eat baked good & desserts with dairy & eggs in it but not cheese, egg eggs, etc as a matter of preference. 
I got back from Spain & Morocco 8 days ago. Pretty sure I picked up a parasite while there. Ended up in the ER & am awaiting one more test. Doctor suspects giardia. Lost 10 pounds in the past 6 days. Zero energy, been in bed a lot, some choice GI issues but no discomfort in that department & it doesn't seem to matter what I eat.
Anyway, this doesn't deserve being posted, but what the heck... Sure isn't a "recipe." I've been eating one meal a day really & here's what it's been everyday for the past week. Simple but I have really loved it more than I think you should love food- or at least something so simple: Burrito consisting of: black beans, garden tomatoes, tofu, rice sometimes & one sauteed superhot. To be honest, I'm not crazy about the taste of many superhots & am not a whole fresh pod chomper, but cooked & included in food... so good. It's brought me great joy in this week of feeling lousy.
Not sure about the point of eating vegetarian if you're going to eat eggs and cover everything with cheese. That said...I'm a carnivore and eat everything but I've always thought that was peculiar. 
Sorry to hear you've been unwell Coach, hope this passes soon!  Your burrito sounds great, I'd probably toss in an avocado to seal the deal.  Please feel free to just post whatever you can in this thread, pictures or not!  I'm assuming your a runner by your name, I'd like to hear other vegetarian/vegan athlete's meal plans/ protein sources.  By the numbers I've calculated over the past week while monitoring my food intake, I'm not getting near enough protein for the amount of activity I am putting my body through.  Although I've heard mixed stories about protein requirements in recent weeks, I do find that before my crazy intense work outs, if I up the protein before the workout, immediately after the workout, and higher amounts the following day I feel I recover faster.  
Rawkstah said:
Sorry to hear you've been unwell Coach, hope this passes soon!  Your burrito sounds great, I'd probably toss in an avocado to seal the deal.  Please feel free to just post whatever you can in this thread, pictures or not!  I'm assuming your a runner by your name, I'd like to hear other vegetarian/vegan athlete's meal plans/ protein sources.  By the numbers I've calculated over the past week while monitoring my food intake, I'm not getting near enough protein for the amount of activity I am putting my body through.  Although I've heard mixed stories about protein requirements in recent weeks, I do find that before my crazy intense work outs, if I up the protein before the workout, immediately after the workout, and higher amounts the following day I feel I recover faster.  
I met this woman here in miami and she has this whole being fit and vegan. You might like it
woke up this morning and played basketball with a friend of mine. trying to get healthier / fit as my metabolism just took a shit. I thought I had till 26 lol. Anyways, for breakfast I made soyrizo tofu "egg" scramble with onions, garlic, finished with some daiya vegan cheese on top in the broiler and topped with some of my pepper powder blend.
Food like colorful and nice in the morning light ... the texture looks like it would be highly problematic from my standpoint, but I'm the aberration ...
There's a soft-focus effect on most all of your pictures ...
Maybe the actual lens is dirty, but it almost looks more like you've chemically pitted the lens material ... do you wipe your phone w/ alcohol regularly or such? ...