food The Spicy Meatless Thread... (ya I went there)

Yesssss! So happy I found this thread, been trying to eat less meat nowadays, gonna try some of tthese recipes  :onfire:  :onfire:  :onfire:
I made another fauxropa vieja sandwich. I wasn't as good as the tortas i made a couple weeks ago, I'm out of El Capitan at the moment. I added some black beans, a slice of vegan smoked gouda... ya that's a thing, lettuce and a quarter of this bahamian goat pepper.  I just got a box of pods from WickedMike and its been a while since I've had fresh so I'm starting by putting my toe in the water first.  I could have put more on though i tried a sliver without the food and went easy, but with the food it calmed down a lot. 
Tomato melt w/ homemade spicy spread:
picked up a tomato from the farmers market and got inspired for BLT's but forgot we had no bacon
(not that many people reading this meatless thread care :) )
so anyway i figured, since i like maters so much i'd make a sammich anyway...
  make some toast, then set that aside

start with some Mayo

add some Rocoto powder

some of my Insanity salt

this will be the spread

sliced mater sprinkled with some dried fine garlic / shallot blend, oregano, and basil
cover in some sharp cheddar and pop into the toaster oven,
put spread onto toast while mater and cheese are turning into melty goodness

'melty goodness'

sliced & served W/ Cheetos     :D
Salad for lunch today
started with some Serrano powder


add some Italian dressing

shake like everyone here's avatars :rolleyes: until it looks like this 

Salad topped with Nopolitas and Chupetinho peppers (i have been incorectly calling these Inca drops) that i barely blackened in a pan, fresh maters, avocado, fresh picked fancy basil (that purple and green splotched leafy stuff you see) & olives

Dressed & Dusted  (Serrano Italian dressing, and Parmesan)
was delicious
I tried these "Beast Burgers".  I was sold onthe 23g of protein, and had heard good things.  They were tasty but don't go into eating one thinking it will in any way be like a beef burger.  To be totally honest its just like a way better tasting version of a boca burger,better texture too.  They were pretty pricey for my liking ($6ish for 2 patties), so I don't know how often I'll be eating these, but they'll be good for a bbq every now and again.  The peppers in the photos below are cubanelle and chilaca peppers.  Chilaca dried are called pasilla, when they're fresh they are like a sweeter poblano in taste.  After the photos I ended up putting one of the chilacas on my burger. 

Another thing that sounded interesting, chili lime "carnitas" jackfruit made by Uptons naturals.  I really wanted to like this. i cooked it up in a skillet and made tacos like i would with carnitas, just onion and cilantro and hot sauce... unfortunately they were very much lime and not so much chili or anything else for that matter.  I made a side of soyrizo rice with sauteed manzano, and I'm glad I did because I ended up putting it in the tacos.  I put BBQ sauce on the carnitas to try and make it better... Don't buy this stuff.  I would however give jackfruit a second try prepared differently, texture was good and I get the feeling that it absorbs whatever flavors you're marinating it in. 
Buffalo chickpea patties.  Loosely based off this recipe i added bhut and garlic to the recipe.  I didn't make the sauce I just used DeeRoo Fornax on mine and had it with lettuce, tomato, and some seasoned faux mayo.  I was busy watching hockey so I didn't snap any pictures of it made up as a sammich.  It was pretty good, a little too soft texture-wise, might add some walnuts next time to remedy that.  
Looking good :)
Doing an experiment right now with Dahl/Buckwheat 50/50, soaking right now. Im out of chickpea powder right now , I would have done thirds. Might add some ground walnuts to the mix too :)
I've been trying to lay off the dairy,  but I have a pizza addiction.  Today I tried to make dairy free pizza for the first time.  I get these premade cracker thin crusts, they're great for whippin' up a quick 'za and taste better than frozen pizza.  My new office is only about 5 min from a Whole Paycheck Foods, so I went in this week and grabbed some daiya mozzarella shreds and some smoked gouda, I forget the brand right now, but it is really good. 
The first pizza is the normal 'za, tomato sauce base, shredded daiya mozz, chopped garlic, mushrooms, spinach, and homemade seitan italian sausage.  Had mine topped with some Recipe X. 

So I like to make all different kinds of pizza, and since I made one that was a safe pizza, dude was ok with some non traditional toppings on the second 'za.  Second pizza is a DeeRoo El Capitan base,  some shredded mozz and smoked gouda, balsamic carmelized shallot, thinly sliced beet, and apple, some lightlife faux bacon, smoked powder, spinach and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar (the real kind that is like syrup!) This one was sooo good. 

All in all, I couldn't even tell it was fake cheese, both pizzas were promptly inhaled after being photographed. 
Pasta night.  rotini with a fly by the seat of my pants sauce.... I tried to remember the measurements but I always just eyeball things... Here's what I remember 5 cloves of garlic, 10? baby bellas stems minced up caps sliced, 1 shallot... Sauted that in oregano olive oil, then dust it with garlic salt and onion powder.  Added a tb butter and some chardonnay and let things simmer a bit.  Added 3 big handfuls of spinach. Took a can of white beans zipped them through a hand held chopper thingy with water and some veggie broth so they were like a paste and added it to the mix after the spinach allowed for some space.  Then I seasoned it a bit with some smoked powder, a couple spoonfuls of marinara sauce that I had in the fridge, added a bit of almond milk and nutritional yeast flakes and let it simmer while the pasta cooked.  Topped it with a little chopped parsley before eating.  It was pretty good, had the creamier texture I was going for and it was very filling.  
For anyone that reads this thread... check out this menu.  Dude took me there last night, its a very upscale vegetarian restaurant.  I'm usually not into that stuff so much but it was really nice to see a professional chef making these vegetarian dishes where the vegetables were the dishes and not meat knock off dishes.  The food was incredible.  We had the Hen of the Woods mushroom pate and it was melt in your mouth good, potato and green garlic soup, this one was my least favorite, i felt it was kind of bland at first, but then dude was like you gotta get a potato piece with your bite of soup.  So I did and smoked potatoes are my new favorite thing.  Then we got the heirloom broccoli greens, every bite had a different flavor when you tried it with the different accompaniments.  Dude ordered the gnocchi and there were my favorite thing there, the homemade little potato pieces with the charred onion... i could eat it for days.  While we had this we grabbed the king oyster mushrooms with kimchi and this side dish probably took 3 place after the gnocchi and mushroom pate.  We rounded out our meal with the potato and cheddar pave which tasted good but was only a couple squares of potato, i was like meh I could do that at home.  And I had to order the grits.  They were good, but I was hoping the roasted chile would have been more apparent, and the veggies were toasted and faintly tasted like burnt marshmallow. For dessert we got the ice cream/sorbet and had chamomile rose sorbet, coffee ice cream, and cassis sorbet.  All in all a great experience, something to motivate me in the kitchen for sure. We will probably go back there every now and then, but it is pretty pricey for the amount of food you get, like any other upscale fine dining type place.  I give it a 5/7. 
Rawkstah said:
For anyone that reads this thread... check out this menu.  Dude took me there last night, its a very upscale vegetarian restaurant.  I'm usually not into that stuff so much but it was really nice to see a professional chef making these vegetarian dishes where the vegetables were the dishes and not meat knock off dishes.  The food was incredible.  We had the Hen of the Woods mushroom pate and it was melt in your mouth good, potato and green garlic soup, this one was my least favorite, i felt it was kind of bland at first, but then dude was like you gotta get a potato piece with your bite of soup.  So I did and smoked potatoes are my new favorite thing.  Then we got the heirloom broccoli greens, every bite had a different flavor when you tried it with the different accompaniments.  Dude ordered the gnocchi and there were my favorite thing there, the homemade little potato pieces with the charred onion... i could eat it for days.  While we had this we grabbed the king oyster mushrooms with kimchi and this side dish probably took 3 place after the gnocchi and mushroom pate.  We rounded out our meal with the potato and cheddar pave which tasted good but was only a couple squares of potato, i was like meh I could do that at home.  And I had to order the grits.  They were good, but I was hoping the roasted chile would have been more apparent, and the veggies were toasted and faintly tasted like burnt marshmallow. For dessert we got the ice cream/sorbet and had chamomile rose sorbet, coffee ice cream, and cassis sorbet.  All in all a great experience, something to motivate me in the kitchen for sure. We will probably go back there every now and then, but it is pretty pricey for the amount of food you get, like any other upscale fine dining type place.  I give it a 5/7.
This is a great thread you've started. I love vegetarian. I went vegetarian for about 7mo. It felt so good. I had a hard time keeping muscle. Didn't do it right.

Back to your post.

I'll have the

Cashew Masala

Lime Cheesecake

Check please!
OCD Chilehead said:
This is a great thread you've started. I love vegetarian. I went vegetarian for about 7mo. It felt so good. I had a hard time keeping muscle. Didn't do it right.

Back to your post.

I'll have the

Cashew Masala

Lime Cheesecake

Check please!
The first time I cut out meat I had a similar issue where I wasn't getting proper nutrition.. this time around I've been better but I'm not a vegetarian, once in a blue moon I'll have a steak with my pops, or when I'm on vacation I indulge in local fares etc. I also don't like to be a bother to people if they open up their homes and cook for me.  
That being said, if you're looking to go mostly veg again, I have found a few plant based protein powders that are pretty good tasting and give a good protein boost.  SunWarrior is one of them, I like the chocolate one, and use the unflavored one in cooking.  Raw Meal is a good too.  I have the vanilla chai as a switchup from the chocolate sunwarrior.  Actually what I've been doing lately is taking the chocolate powder and a banana and some almond/soy/coconut milk and making frozen treats.  I got popsicle molds and I'll pull one out when I get a sweet tooth and its protein+banana instead of sugary artificially colored crap (sometimes peanut butter or something, or I've mixed up other fruits etc).  If you ever want more high protein recipes, I have a whole book of them.  
Thanks Rawk. I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the info. I don't know if I'll go back to veg. I eat a lot of veggies as it is. I like India food. If I go out and eat India, I always order veggie dishes. They taste so good. When I went veggie, it made me a better cook. One gets pretty inventive.

Thanks again and keep this thing going.

30 pages strong. Nice!
The trick is always to learn to eat properly. even though I eat meat a few times a year, I mainly am veg. Nuts and seeds in my main diet and they produce allot of protein. Their are many things that have more protein then meat. Elephants are vegetarians and their brity big lol.