• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

This day in the life off a chilenerd...

Today i got the urge, so i stopped at Whole Foods on the way home. I picked up some decent looking orange habs that looked okay. Some were iffy, but i got a handful of good ones. The serranos looked like ass, and i really wanted some serrano. I also snagged 2 giant poblanos.

I also picked up these delicious treats...

I munched on a few of the pickled piri-piri and they're really good. I could snack on these any day. Real sweet and a mild heat. They'd go great in a roast beef sub.

The serrano prickly pear promised heat, but i couldn't taste any. This stuff is MAD thick too. I could barely get it out of the bottle. That didn't stop me from covering my burger in it. I used my 5-chili dry rub on the burger and topped it with worcestershire and this sauce. Dinner was pretty good.

I'm saving the baked brie for later in the week. The tuna is lunch for tomorrow. I used the leftover hamburger meat and crumbled it up and mixed it with some couscous and the drippings from tonight's dinner (low fat beef, so it was almost all juice and seasoning). I than used it to fill the poblanos. I popped those in a ziplock and poured in some crushed tomatos, fresh basil, and my homemade habanero sauce to let it all marinate for a day or two.

It's gonna be a good week. :onfire:

ps: i'll pop in to update this from time to time so as not to flood various threads. stay tuned.
I have alot of my inlaws trained to buy any hot pepper product they find and bring it to me.

a few weeks ago I was given a bag of sauces and peppers from my cousins holiday and that kind of stuff blows the shi* out of xmas where I get tshirts that are too small and crap I don't need.

I was never ever a fan of pickled hot peppers but I was given a jar of pepper encinies and I use them everyday.

I also have a huge pickled egg jar about half full of eggs and I keep throwing in any hot peppers I don't eat .

fun jar....
bentalphanerd said:
G'day Gourmet Tuna ???
Australian style savoury ??
WTF :lol:

Is it any good?

hahah don't you know we all eat chili tuna every Australia day!?

I had a good laugh at the menu at "Outback Steak House" when I was in the States. Funny stuff
shayneyasinski said:
I have alot of my inlaws trained to buy any hot pepper product they find and bring it to me.

a few weeks ago I was given a bag of sauces and peppers from my cousins holiday and that kind of stuff blows the shi* out of xmas where I get tshirts that are too small and crap I don't need.

I was never ever a fan of pickled hot peppers but I was given a jar of pepper encinies and I use them everyday.

I also have a huge pickled egg jar about half full of eggs and I keep throwing in any hot peppers I don't eat .

fun jar....
I think i need to train some family members and potential in-laws. Most recent gift from someone's trip was a pink t-shirt in my size. I ask you, why would i wear pink? they even called the color "shrimp". That's somewhat emasculating. :lol:

bentalphanerd said:
G'day Gourmet Tuna ???
Australian style savoury ??
WTF :lol:

Is it any good?

RingburnDave said:
hahah don't you know we all eat chili tuna every Australia day!?

I had a good laugh at the menu at "Outback Steak House" when I was in the States. Funny stuff
No idea if the stuff is any good. I found it because of the canned chili tuna thread. they have other flavors as well. I'll report back with a taste assessment. I aspire to be an Aussie so i can eat tuna every day.

And trust me...i laugh at the Outback Steak House menu too. The food there is awful. I just never realized you Aussies ate giant fried onions so much. ;)
Just finishing the tuna right now. There is indeed what appears to be a whole birds eye chili in each can. It's quite tasty actually. This is IMO better than the Starkist or Bumblee stuff, but kinda pricey for tuna.

Still munchin the piri-piris. YUM!
The Brie and hot sauce look awesome. We make baked brie for family gatherings sometimes and can only imagine how good it is with some heat added.
millworkman said:
The Brie and hot sauce look awesome. We make baked brie for family gatherings sometimes and can only imagine how good it is with some heat added.
Well i'm sure this is just roasted red peppers with no heat, but i can modify it once i serve myself some.

I munched a rehydrated chipotle just now. Blech! no flavor!:( I will need to powder these and add some hab.
Today's firey treat are the following:

Today's treats are all available at supermarkets across the country and quite simple to find.
1. Pain Is Good: Jamaican Style; Batch #114 Hot Sauce by Original Juan (3.75oz) www.originaljuan.com
2. Mezzetta(brand): Habanero Peppers (pickled) www.mezzetta.com
Sickmont said:
That batch #114 is pretty good stuff, bro.
Yeah, i did a sample of it HippySeedStyle and it was pretty badass. Really sweet up front with no frontal burn, but from the back of my tongue and all the way down it just burned like acid. It felt like acid reflux actually. I prefer a frontal or middle burn actually, so i'm glad it was just the small bottles that they had.
So...this batch 114.
It's FAR too sweet for my tastes. It'd be best suited for chicken. I'm having some inside an empenada with beef and habanero inside. The pineapple is very apparent in this sauce and while i like pineapple, i don't like it with beef in this case. I'm going to say that it's the worst sauce for this meal i could have chosen.

I think i'll pick up the other two varieties of hot sauce the store had though. You know, just to check.

Also...i like the flask style bottles. I could use the empties for my own sauce.
i'm sitting here munching my 2nd mazzetti hab.

the first one was good. hot, but tolerable.

i took another one a little bit later.

All i can say is that right now i'm finding it hard to talk. My mouth feels like i decided to suck on a hot curling iron. I know once the pain is over i'll feel really freakin good, but holy mother of god. sometimes i wonder why we do this. i just sit and question why we can sit here and voluntarily inflict pain on ourselves and all for the purposes of eating a food or food product. Yes, i sit there and wonder how a person is willing to dive into this pit of pain and torture, and than i go back and i take another bite.

I'll finish this pepper in a little bit. The moments before the fire ignites are very very good.

My god, my lips are even burning.

I'll have to buy a jar for home. This one's staying at the office.

Mazzetti Habanero vs. Delicias Piri-Piri

Mazzetti wins!!