• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

This day in the life off a chilenerd...

Breakin the law! Posting at work?? Whoa!

This week i've been selling my Batch#3 Hot Sauce at my office for fun and to see how well i do. So far out of 9 jars, i've already recouped all costs and am now collecting pure profit.

If i am NOT sold out by tomorrow, i will offer up the remains here and on newbeetle.org.

For lunch i'm having some curry rice noodles from one of them packages with the oil and seasonings in the packets. Not quite instant, but surely simple. I've added a spoonful of my "holy crap" version of Batch#3. It's gotta cool down a bit though. Too thermal hot to eat.

I'm hoping to find some new fruits growing on the patio when i get home. Wish me luck kids!
Well gang, i have 3 jars of batch#3 still around. 2 holy crap and one regular. i'm sure someone will buy them, but for now they sit at work. i have people who wanted, that wouldn't fork over the cash. cheapskates.

in other news...this arrived today.



Right now, the apartment REAKS of fatalii peppers. :D I have a few overripe ones in the dehydrator for seed and the rest are in the freezer, minus a few i want for snackin on. my girl is gonna kill me when she gets home and smells this. lol
imaguitargod said:
Nice package! Wait...that came out all wrong....
Yeah, you're supposed to say "nice dick". If you want me, i understand, but i like women. Sorry. :shocked:

I diced 2 of them badboys into some egg and made a cheese omelet. WHOA BABY!!!:mouthonfire:
I just got done cutting (in half) my 10-12lbs of them I got last week. They needed to ripen just a little before I put them in the dehydrator. I figured if I wasn't cooking them that they wouldn't bother me except maybe my hands, but damn if they didn't make my eyes and nose go nuts again. It'll be worth it when the powder is ready.
Today i went to the organic grocer by my job, Dean's Natural Food Market. I picked up lunch and a bottle of The Wizard's organic original hot stuff.

After reading a review on the hot sauce blog, i have to say i'm not impressed with the stuff. there's no substance to this sauce at all. it says it has cayenne extract?? where?? the heat is akin to black pepper. this is milder than mild. I hope nobody wastes their time on this crap. It might taste alright in a stir fry, but it's just not worth the purchase.
I think the big sell with the Wizards sauces are that they're organic--not for the heat. Was the flavor any good?
Today i clicked over to American Science & Surplus. I picked up a case of 10 glass dropper bottles that i'll be using for my stevia extract. I might make a bottle of bhut jolokia infused stevia extract. I also grabbed a 3 in 1 water/light/ph meter for use in the garden, but i'm gonna try it with hot sauce too. Finally, i got a pack of 100 2x3 baggies to sell my wee....i mean to use to give my dry rub to my friends and family. ;)
I went to Cheesequake Farms today, my first ever visit on a random stop. To my surprise i found BASKETS of superhots and rare sweet varieties and even heirlook tomatoes. I bought about a pound each of what i think are fatalii and also got my beloved scotch bonnet. I will finally get somee fresh SB in me!! :)

they had a sign for bhut jolokia, but in the basket were fataliis. All were yellow, so surely not a bhut.
So tonight began like any other. I made dinner. Tonight was a nice tilapia filet (made about 5 little ones) with fresh herbs from my patio garden and i luckily had some fresh scotch bonnets which i diced and cooked with the filets. It was awesome. Hot, but not unbearable.

Than my buddy dropped by for some talk and a little beer. I decided to harvest my first homegrown bhut jolokia. Being the pussy i am, i just cut Greg and i off a 2" long x 1/8" wide sliver each. I took one look at the flesh and knew there was going to be a problem. The entire inside of the pod was PLASTERED with oozy, sticky capsaicin pools. Than the smell hit us. A wondeful smell, but good god is it potent. You can still smell it in the kitchen even though i put what was left away. Greg took a piece no bigger than a square on a piece of graph paper while i downed the whole slice i cut for myself. The flavor, as everyone says, is unique and very pleasant though it only lasts a moment before the alarms go off. First feeling i got was the throat burn. I bagan coughing a little more as time passed. Than i realize my vision blurred. Next my ears began dripping sweat. My eyes were tearing. My nose was leaking. I began to sneeze and even dry heaved a couple times. My nose was leaking fluid while my face was pouring with sweat. I wiped sweat off my neck, but i didnt wash my hands. Now my neck is burning. My eyelid was burning. I nearly vomited all the water, soy milk, frozen yogurt, and beer i used to try and calm things (only cold water and the yogurt helped btw). I realized vomiting up hot peppers wasn't a smart option so i kept it down and blindly txted a few people with my rubber gloved hands (i cut the pepper with my bare hands) and i sat on the potty getting rid of today's lunch. I wasn't about to touch my johnson with bhut jolokia on my hands (which later on i did after cleaning up some like a dummy).

All i can say is this. I'm glad i experienced it. I took a lengthwise slice of the pods i slaved over this being my first pepper summer. That said, i will not be eating any more bhut/naga varities by themselves again. Call me a pussy, that's fine. I love fire, but it stops being fun with fire turns into pain. Luckily these buggers have good flavor or i'd be pissed right now. And how gorgeous are them inside and out? Way prettier than a bhut IMO because of how unique they are. I pulled out about a dozen wrinkly seeds. i hope they're good seeds.

I think i will dry the remaining 8 pods and save the seeds for my own seed bank. I'm going to teach my girl's friend's husband how to grow in the spring. I'm saving a pod for him. We'll see if he's able to tolerate these bad boys. He's Mexican, so it's possible. Nice guy too, so i hope he gets a kick out it.

That's all for now. :cool:
yeah i cant wait to try a piece of a bhut pepper from my one remaining bhut plant (damn cat) i agree with you, theres hot, very hot, stupid hot, and so hot that i cant really enjoy it.
I have used Bhuts in cooking but I am yet to eat my first fresh pod or at least a slice of it. Reports like yours kinda scare me, though!!! :)