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This is NOT pepper growing season...

What no peppers growing in this thread. That snow looks very chilly, yet it is tropical and lot of chile in my grow room. Just took the dome off my first real trays for 2009 garden. May the spring come and thaw you out soon Sheldon.:P

Bah! Days look tolerable, nights looks like I won't be getting a lot of sleep. Good news is, my remote thermometer should be here in today's mail.
TCG, we have a current temp of -4 with wind advisory predicting - 20 to -25 wind chills tonight. The temp dropped dramatically and it is COLD!!!!!!!!!!! I'd love some of that 63.
American Beer is the worst beer i have ever tasted.... no offence my friendly neighbours to the south.. just my experience...

i love aussie beer, german, belgium, and the dutch isnt to bad either..
Hotpeppa said:
American Beer is the worst beer i have ever tasted.... no offence my friendly neighbours to the south.. just my experience...

i love aussie beer, german, belgium, and the dutch isnt to bad either..

What are the names of the American microbrews you have tried?

And what beers of these other nationalities have you tried?
Criminy it was cold last night. I had icicles on the bottom of the furnace greenhouse where the condensation drips out. It was 17F outside at 8-something AM. New record low perhaps. Plants stayed between 40 and 50.

Yeah not as cold as Canada but then Canadians aren't silly enough to have peppers growing outdoors all winter!
caroltlw said:
Criminy it was cold last night. I had icicles on the bottom of the furnace greenhouse where the condensation drips out. It was 17F outside at 8-something AM. New record low perhaps. Plants stayed between 40 and 50.

Yeah not as cold as Canada but then Canadians aren't silly enough to have peepers growing outdoors all winter!

It's pretty cold here, too, and we had wind. I moved my Republican petunias inside a couple of weeks back when it got into the low teens thinking it would just be for a few days. We've been dipping into the teens at least once a week, though, so they're still inside.
Just checked the weather underground and they confirmed new record low in Tallahassee of 14F. At least the wind died down last night. It was "brisk" yesterday.

I keep thinking 'this will be the last really cold night' too.
Hotpeppa said:
American Beer is the worst beer i have ever tasted.... no offence my friendly neighbours to the south.. just my experience...

i love aussie beer, german, belgium, and the dutch isnt to bad either..

Burn him at the stake!

If you mean mass-produced american beer, than you're right. Who the fuck puts rice in a "beer"? seriously? Might as well piss in a can.

Now if you've had an old rasputin imperial stout, a yeti imperial stout, hercules double IPA, or one of countless other badass microbrews that come from here and can still, with a straight face, tell me that American beer sucks.......then something is just wrong with you.
Americans make the best beer in the world actually. There are so many quality microbrews going now, you never run out of something new and good to try. Europe and Canada used to be ahead of us. No more. I used to love Molson, LaBatts, Fosters etc, but they're really not much better than regular Budweiser. Even the new Bud American Ale is outstanding - I just wish it was cheaper. Lately, my favorites have been Mendocino Red Tail Ale, Sam Adams Boston Lager, Red Hooks seasonal Winterhook and Dominion Lager (brewed locally in VA and very fresh).
That's one bold statement! But I admit I was surprised when I visited the US for the first time three years ago. I though american beer was the exported big label crappy ones. Oh, I was so wrong! :) But better than the european ones? Nah...
BillyIdle said:
That's one bold statement! But I admit I was surprised when I visited the US for the first time three years ago. I though american beer was the exported big label crappy ones. Oh, I was so wrong! :) But better than the european ones? Nah...

The European and Canadian beers that we can buy here aren't really that great. Kind of like a watered down version of what you actually drink. American micros have them whipped bad IMO. What you can buy fresh in Europe I'm sure is a different story. Maybe US micros aren't better than those, but I'm sure we're at least equal. In the end, it's subjective. My point was really we weren't in the game before but we are now. It's funny that when some Swedish metal bands I know come over, they drink Milwaukee's Best (aka The Beast). Why? It's cheap baby! They drink mass quantities. :shocked:
Comparing your local brews with the european brands thet you get in the stores over there is like me comparing our stuff with Bud. :)

But I think that it's fair to assume that the local brands are comparable. Think I'll have to make a "beer trip" to the States one day to see if this is true :)
BillyIdle said:
Comparing your local brews with the european brands thet you get in the stores over there is like me comparing our stuff with Bud. :)

But I think that it's fair to assume that the local brands are comparable. Think I'll have to make a "beer trip" to the States one day to see if this is true :)

Of course now Anheuser Busch is owned by InBev (Belgium) so technically Bud is now a European beer. :lol: You'll be impressed by the US beers. I still remember having some incredible stuff in Portland, Oregon. Unfiltered - sublime!
Yesterday: overcast and windy
Last night: torrential downpour with scattered tornadoes
Today: sunny and 70F
Tonight: Frost. Again. :shocked: