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Well here is a worthy cause....

We have a competition

Between: Neil (the chilli smashing iron stomach hippy) from Australia V's The Canadian (bhut destroyer)

The hot peppa has accepted a challenge!!! My New limited release sauce (yet to be made lol!!!) 1 spoon of death each both to record on you tube and show how they handle it!

A trophy will be made and sent to who is judged the winner.

The winner will be judged by forum response and the final decision......made by.....MY MUM! LMAO shes a champ and removed from all us chilli head idiots!

I will keep you all up to date with pictures of the development of the sauce.

It is something no one has made or seen before due to the number of super hots in each small bottle.

A ripper super hot number!

If any one wants to donate dried super hot pods feel more than welcome to pm me LMAO....:mouthonfire: Too funny! (grow the pods first Dave)

Same I vote NEIL !... He downed bonda ma jacques -x2 as recent as yesterday, then moved onto sauce and naga paste all arvo !
He Actually works on his tolerence ! LOL - In his natural state I think hes in euphoria form the superhots running in his veins !
We'll have to hear from Hotpeppa to see what he has to say...he rekons he is a bhut destroyer!! So we'll have to see. Neil is downing several habs a day I hear....core strength training huh? LOL! Dont count mr peppa out though, there are som crazy dark horses out there!!!!

Are you there MR hotpeppa!?
Scorpion said:
Dont count mr peppa out though, there are som crazy dark horses out there!!

Seriously you'd have to be pretty insane to watch Neil's videos and then enter into a competition vs. him. I smell a spoiler!

Whether or not I can handle as much heat as THSC is irrelevent, I will never test to see if I can lol.
'Natch, I gotta go with my bro Neil...I've done some crazy stuff, but he's the Master.

I rekon Im gonna make a very cool trophy...Whenthe winner is decided!! Any one wanna start a book ...he he jokes of course....lol! What are the odds?
I'm going north with my vote! Niel isn't the only one who eats hot stuff... He is good don't get me wrong, but it's all in the training prior to the contest. Didn't any of you see "rocky"

haven't seen hotpeppa eat so going on what i know neil is a shoe in for the win!
i'll be keeping an eye out for this thread