• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.


I'd be happy to help out however I can....but the ncie fancy YT Contests are only for Ad partners..ugh.

There are lots of other vid hosts though that are less restrictive. ;)

Video hosting isn't a problem, but organizing a real full-on contest might be a PITA with all of the different Time Zones. Not saying it can't be done..just know it'd be a large undertaking. :)
Excellent I think it could be done !
We need a website! That way when the contest is not on we can run a classified section for sauces makers retail, Maybey a free advertising site allowing sauce makers to list there sauce at no charge but get kick back for every bottle sold, by providing a shopping cart for them.... with sponsership and advertising by certian company to sponser the site and HR, and sauce company sponsership for the contest, I think it would work !
The sauces will be selected by a panel of judges or MOST DEMANDED, from the site... link it back to this site for exposure.
Ok, so basically you want an advertising campaign?

I thought we were talking about amature chileheads competing with eath other for prizes or just fun and painful glory?

There's another section for commercial endeavours. ;)
For me at this stage im into sorting a comp much like quad was talking about! Good fun pain giving sauce tasting and exposure.
Beautiful, It has to start some where !!!! Fun is what I wanted out it !
I dont own or make sauces ! I was in it for entertainment !
Si I guess its just going to be a comp platform !
Lets really talk this thing up to see what kind of audience we can attract, like when JT ate the Naga.

oh yeah, what about dollars????
I think this is a good test for the ideas discussed above....lets see how we go get some sort of plan sussed in the coming days and get it moving...Money is always good but we can do it without....Alot of of sites on here we could ask to use. We should put a list together???

At this stage....who wants in with this process......?

So far: Chilliman, Dick T, Quadshot, myself any one else?

We jsut need to all get on the same page and develop our objectives etc....and get teh sauce flowing!
How about you put that one together as best you can chilliman...and i'll get together a list of websites that might be able to help promote this idea. Should we keep it all australian??? Not sure we need people to beat ...in the comps he he he lol!
Ok i'm in, going to the bar to come up with some ideas, can we get a banner up on THP, we can go with my favorite theme, Global Warming from Canada to OZ, I need booze to continue my thoughts.
Scorpion said:
Game on! The name has been decided, the sauce ingredients have been finalised.....The wax seals and pretty stuff ordered. The special bottles organised. The labels being designed and the hot stuff and preperation of the special ingredients nearly ready.

The special spoons are found!!!! Certificates designed...and a taste tester yet to be brave enough to step forward.......May have to convince mgoo a local here and in perth that can handle the hot STUFF!

Cant wait to make this one...ausome shi!....!

Canadian V Aussie!

To be continued!

Yeah, I'll come around and taste test it ... why not?

You still got my phone number? I have PMed it to you just in case you lost it.

(I'm the one who cleaned out half your plants, if you remember) :D
Taj said:
Yeah, I'll come around and taste test it ... why not?

You still got my phone number? I have PMed it to you just in case you lost it.

(I'm the one who cleaned out half your plants, if you remember) :D

Cool as .....I think mcgoo and I are getting together....come around as well. Lets say Wed night....i'll msg you and we'll have a little fun tasting sauce.

Scorpion said:
How about you put that one together as best you can chilliman...and i'll get together a list of websites that might be able to help promote this idea. Should we keep it all australian??? Not sure we need people to beat ...in the comps he he he lol!

Sounds good, we need to put an invitation together. So i can email them.