food Top This Sandwich! A sandwich posting game

Here gents (and I use that term loosely, VERY loosely), I dare you to top THIS roast beef sub.  It is simple enough, Italian roll, Torchbearer Sauces Smoky Horseradish sauce, 1/2lb sliced roast beef, sea salt and cracked black pepper (on beef and sauteed peppers and onions), sauteed serranos and sweet onion, American cheese on roll, Monterey Jack cheese on top, toasted in oven.  Vodka and iced tea on side. BOOM.








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Jay amigo, the way you rolled that meat onto that sammich has shades of french chef skirt wearin' foo foo.
But the finality is most definitely blue collar sammich goodnessess.
I myself would pack more onions on it but the melty schmelty is pure sex on a plate.
You know of all people that I'd mouth fist that right into my pie hole.
i'd love to eat that... had to make a meatless skillet, bought some pork sausage at aldi on the way home, opened it up and it smelled bad. I don't know how vegans do it. I'm still hungry two bowls and 4 pieces of bread later
D3monic said:
i'd love to eat that... had to make a meatless skillet, bought some pork sausage at aldi on the way home, opened it up and it smelled bad. I don't know how vegans do it. I'm still hungry two bowls and 4 pieces of bread later
How do vegans do it?
That's a good question.
They always have on hand some 'thangs.
Like quinoa, potato's, greens of any sort, beans, whole grain stuff like bread or tortilla's, onions, garlic, tomato's, mushrooms,
and of course, lots of chiles.
In the course of a month I eat meat amounting to maybe 1%.
The rest is veggie's and fish/seafood and some dairy.
I always have stuff like I mentioned on hand.
And I never go hungry.
Around here, we call this a sub, short for submarine sandwich.  Other places call them hoagies, grinders, etc.  This is just a little two foot one I made his and hers style.  Her side is mayo, smoked turkey breast, tomato and lettuce.  My side is Black Forrest turkey ham, bacon, mayo, tomato, sweet onion, banana peppers, and lettuce.  Both are seasoned on the tomato and lettuce with sea salt, black pepper, garlic powder, and oregano.  The roll is Italian from a local bakery called Alfred and Sams.  
What to do with the leftover juice from the banana peppers?  Shots!





I made lots of these when I was cooking for the Catholic War Vets club last year.  I hadn't had a proper ham sub since I quit in August.  I figured it was time.  This is how we made them every day. Hundreds every week.
Well, The TB DID drink with me. Or should I say I drank with him.   Lots in fact.  Whole bunch even.  
Dang Buddy.
I love looong time some grilled scheeze.
Lookin' at the pic I got a boner!
Yeah its THAT good!
Just look at that melty schmeltynessessess.
All American comfort food right there senor.